Five Minute Friday: Close

Five Minute Friday

Close. That’s the prompt word for this week Five Minute Friday hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. She is one amazing God’s woman who encourages a lot of women to write something using the prompt word every Friday she provided. Just write in 5 minutes and you will be surprise what will flow out of your heart. Check out this week link ups on Lisa-Jo’s blog and be encouraged!


I have been missing the moment to be close with my parents. Be close to them in person. Honestly, after being away from them for over 6 years, I am still have the need to be close with them. Though I am thankful for Skype where we can chat and see each other. But it is just different.

This is not a choice. Not a decision to make.

But I am here with my husband and 2 daughters. God provides wonderful families and friends.

After 6 years, I learned different meaning for “close.”

Close it doesn’t have to be in person.

Close it doesn’t have mean distance.

Close means though they are far, but they are always there in my heart and mind.

Close means I can see through my faith that God is in there.

Close means dependence on His presence.

Close means being with Him.


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4 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Close

  1. Visiting from FMF. Thank you for these words.
    Knowing my son is out there (career military)
    And knowing he is inky an email, tweet or Facebook and phone call
    away is what saves me literally

    For someone who has lost both of their parents do whatever you have to do to stay close!!


  2. Great post! I am very blessed to have my parents nearby. I just noticed you are going to Declare. I am too! It is my first blogging conference.