Ok. Let’s get started, I guess. I found Lisa Jo’s website from a tweet about it by Jessica Turner. It’s in an interesting thing that Lisa Jo wrote:
I remember how powerful the written word is. To encourage, to laugh, to cheer, to pray, to listen, and love. Sometimes all it takes is five minutes. Five minutes to just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not.
I decided to join her ride every Friday. Well… I’m going to start today. I know it’s Sunday! But hey I hope I can catch up the ride from last Friday
This topic on Friday was: On Forgetting. OK! Let’s get start before my 5 minutes is up!
This was taken on my second Short Mission Trip to a village in Indonesia, South East Asia with a team of Australian students. Practically, I was their translator to the locals while in the town and villages when we went there to serve the people.
I almost forget about this trip until I looking around for a story that I wanna share here. Then this came up to my mind. We spent 2 hours walking just to get our breakfast, in honor of one of the village leaders’s family. They invited us that morning to have breakfast together. While walking to their house, we passed this beautiful rice field after we crossed the bamboo bridge.
It was a fruitful, eye-opening, heart-changing short mission trip, if I may say about it.
So thankful for these people and how God has shown His grace and love to this people through the work of Bible Translation among the people group. Soon, they will have the Word of God in their own heart language.
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