5 Minutes Monday: Kangean

Pray is powerful. It is a way to reach to God. When we pray, we are standing between the gap of those who cannot reach out to Him.

Today, would you stand between the gap between the people of Kangean and God?

The Kangean people are a group who live on the islands of Kangean. The Kangean island cluster consists of about 60 islands that spans 487 square kilometers. The largest islands, Pilat and Sapanjang, have an area of 188 square kilometers. The Kangean islands are situated about 120 kilometers east of the island of Madura and 115 kilometers north of the island of Bali. They use the Kangean language which is close to the Madura language. (source Joshua Project)

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They are least-reached people group. The population of this people group is about 139,000. They do not have God’s word that they can read in their heart language.

Pray for them, for God to make a way for Bible translators to see the need of the Good News for them and send His church to go share the Good News with them.

THANKS for praying today!

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