Category Archives: Church
Prayercast: His Praise Goes On
Prayercast | His Praise Goes On from Prayercast on Vimeo.
This very second the Earth is spinning on its axis, exposing parts to the new day’s first rays of light and shrouding others in the darkness of night. In the same way, the praises of God’s people are lifted up in a never-ending stream that circles the globe daily. From mega-cities and rural villages, from mountains and valleys, from jungles and deserts, the LORD Almighty is continuously worshipped in the name of Jesus.
Join the chorus of saints from all around the world and look to Heaven today, no matter what your circumstances, and praise and say thank you to the One who is good and whose love endures forever. He alone is worthy of our praise!
“From the rising of the sun to the place where it goes down, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” Psalm 113:3
Whom Shall Go?
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” ~ Isaiah 6:8
The same answer I gave to God in 2006 and still be my prayer until today, “Lord, her I am, send me to go to these people.” That’s my prayer for my husband and daughters, too. We go to serve God as family among a nation in Southeast Asia. These are the why: these people are still waiting for God’s word to be available in languages they understand best in their heart, they have been waiting for too long. I was there, living among them for a short period of time only, God revealed to me and the team His heart and desire for these people groups. He wants them to know Him, to have His words and for them to come and worship Him only! (*is not the real name of the place) God used the trips to open my eyes to see the needs and to change my heart and my desire to serve Him. There are more that I have ever imagined!
And in 2007 I had given an opportunity to participate in a literacy survey program hosted by one of Wycliffe’s strategic organization in the country, SIL, to go and collect data from the people in 3 villages and from that data we collected were used to determine whether these people will need God’s word, level of how literate the people, will they need literacy program, what language do they can speak and do they understand the national language or not, etc. So many elements that support Bible Translation work, it cannot be done alone. It needs a team.
We need YOU! Yes, together we can end the Bible poverty in around the world!
How you can get involved? You are welcome to visit these sites to find out and pray about how God can use you in ways He calls you to:
The Road to Transformation from Wycliffe USA
Translation teams exercise great care in the rigorous and complicated process to translate God’s Word into a language that doesn’t yet have it. Watch an overview of the tasks involved, and learn how each project presents unique challenges and incredible rewards. Learn more here.
They Need To Know
Ephesians 2:4-6 tells us that God is being so rich in mercy and has loved us with great love, He even made us alive together with Christ when we were dead in our sins – only by His grace we have been saved – He raised us up with Him and seated us with in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus.
Isn’t that an amazing and wonderful promises for us when we are His?
Today I know in my heart that these promises are only for me, but also for you and for the over 200 million people who have not yet heard about God and His rich mercy and great love for them.
These over 200 million people have been waiting for a long time. They do not have one single verse of God’s word in language they understand best in their hearts, that’s about 1,967 languages!
They need to hear about it. We can be part of the work to bring this Good News to them. Would you join the team to bring the Gospel to them?
Here’s how you can get involved and partners in prayer and financial in God’s mission through:
or join our team to bring the Gospel to Southeast Asia.
God is at work in all over the world, God never forget nor forsake them.
And together we can End Bible Poverty!
Accountability = Growing and Moving Forward
Participating in HelloMornings Challenge since last Summer has been a great blessing in my life. This winter challenge is my second time and God has used the godly friends in my group to grow together in our faith and love for God. I am learning to know God more and to have hope in Him. God has been revealing to me His way of truth when I am with Him in His word and prayer.
But I also want you to experience God and His presence.
Would you join me in the Summer Challenge?
Oh what is HelloMornings Challenge?
The HelloMornings challenge was birthed several years back out of a desire to provide encouragement and accountability for those pursuing the life-changing habit of getting up early. Through Facebook or Twitter, accountability groups check in with one another throughout the week and encourage one another in their early-morning goals. (HelloMornings)
In the Summer Challenge, we will learn from the book of John for 13 weeks Bible Study, meeting and knowing Jesus Christ, our Lord.
This coming Summer Challenge registration begins on April 26th. Mark your calendar, setup a reminder so you won’t miss it! 🙂 You can check it out here for more detail.
For you have joined in the past HelloMornings challenges, would you pray and ask God if it is His time for you to move forward to be an AC? We need more ACs for Summer Challenge. God has sent more and more participants and we are growing for His glory! If you feel like God’s leading you to be an AC, and you would like to know more about what AC is and the expectations are, please go here and read the important notes there.
Join us and let’s grow in knowing Jesus together!