Your Vital Role

Jesus Brings Freedom ButtonPray is the fuel for any ministries and our lives. Pray is what we’re saying that we need God and it is only can be done by God and His’ power. Pray is the only way to reach His throne and receive His grace in time we need help. Pray is where we stand in the gap for those who are in needs of God and His love.

Through pray we come to God and plead for our loved ones. But also…

We are called to pray for others who have not heard nor known about Jesus Christ. We pray is to reach out the over 209 million people in this world to come to know God, for God to open doors for them to have His word in the languages (over 1,900 languages!) that they can understand best in their hearts, for God to touch them and change their hearts, for God to lead them in the way of truth and life.

You have a vital role in God’s mission in this world. You can pray today.

The Seed Company, a Wycliffe Bible Translators affiliates, have released 40-days Devotional e-Book, that you can get it for FREE here. During this Lent, you can read God’s word, meditate and pray for Jesus to bring freedom to over 209 million people who speak about 1,967 languages. They have been waiting too long!

Would you join us to pray today?

1,967 Languages More To Go

In 2012 Wycliffe reaches the milestone in Bible Transations! There are about 2,075 Scripture translations are in progress and only 1,967 languages that still need Bible Translation projects started by 2025! Find out the story and the latest statistic here.

“This is really a God thing because we couldn’t do it on our own. These figures represent the work of many other agencies as well as the Church worldwide,” Wyclyffe Bible Translators COO Russ Hersman told CBN News (Click here to read about it).

There’s nothing impossible for our mighty God!

Because You’ve Obeyed

“This is what the Lord  says: Because you have obeyed me and have not withheld even your son, your only son, I swear by my own name that  I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants  beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will conquer the cities of their enemies.  And through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed—all because you have obeyed me.” (Genesis 22:16-18 NLT)

We are thankful that Abraham had obeyed God. Why? Because of his obedience to God, all nations are blessed through his descendants. Jesus Christ is the chosen descendant of Abraham (Luke 3:23-38), the one sent by God to save and redeem, the ultimate blessing from God for all the nations.
When we obey God, He blesses us. That blessings do not only for us, but for all the nations. There are over 290 million people, speak over 3000 languages, have not yet heard the Good News of the Kingdom of God. They are meant to be blessed by God, through us, Abraham’s spiritual descendents.
Will you pney Him today?

Teaching Kids About Bible Translation

Wycliffe Bible Translations provides 7 ideas how we can teach our children about Bible Translations and the needs around the world. You also can read the original post here.

1.      Pray for a Bibleless people group together.

No matter their age, your children can take part in Bible translation by praying for a people group without Scripture in their language. Through our FREE Bibleless Peoples Prayer Project, you and your family will receive e-mails to encourage you as you pray, a printable how-to-pray bookmark, and information about your people group as it becomes available.

2.      Make a treat with a recipe from a Wycliffe missionary.

The Wycliffe Cookbook can be a great tool to support Bible translation while teaching your kids about life in the mission field—and making great memories in the kitchen together! Our cookbook has delicious recipes and fun anecdotes submitted by missionaries. You are sure to find treats and activities the whole family will enjoy like Whimsy Sculpture Bread, Baked Monster Pancakes, or Crispy Critter Cookies, to name a few!

3.      Give a Christmas gift that can transform a life.

This year help your family experience the power of generosity by giving a gift with eternal rewards! The 2012–2013 Wycliffe Gift Catalog is filled with ways you can help bring God’s Word to people still waiting.

Let your kids pick a project that your family can help fund, like creating video Bible stories for Guatemalan children or supporting missionary families.

 4.      Explore the world of Bible translation together at the Wycliffe Discovery Center.

Field trip! At the Wycliffe Discovery Center, kids can travel the world and dive into the life of a Bible translator without ever leaving the country. They’ll experience people and cultures they’ve never seen before through interactive games and activities. There’s also a chance to hear exciting stories from a real missionary about doing God’s work around the world.

5.      Teach lessons that will benefit them for a lifetime.

Check out for dozens of resources and FREEdownloadable curriculum perfect for your family or Sunday school class. Whether it’s a story and coloring book like Angel Tracks in the Snow, or free lessons about prayer and the steps of Bible translation, you’ll find countless ways to teach kids about Bible translation.

6.      Learn about life overseas with a fun game.

Take a trip to MakaziVille. (No passport required!) This fun,FREE computer game from our partners at The Seed Company lets your kids become missionaries in a foreign land. They’ll move into MakaziVille and learn all about living in a different culture while translating the Bible and sharing the Gospel. Check it out and let the fun begin!

7.      Introduce them to The Story of Jesus for Children.

Next time your family is in the mood for a movie night, we suggest The Story of Jesus for ChildrenCreated by The JESUS Film Project, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, this video is the retelling of the true story of Jesus through a child’s eyes. It includes some footage from the original “JESUS”film—which is translated into languages all over the world and shared with people who may never have heard the Gospel before—making it a great way to introduce kids to one of the many kinds of media used in Bible translation.

Interested in resources for students? Click here to see what we have to offer!

Before The Lamb

Sesungguhnya, suatu kumpulan besar orang banyak yang tidak dapat terhitung banyaknya, dari SEGALA BANGSA dan SUKU dan KAUM dan BAHASA, berdiri di hadapan takhta dan di hadapan Anak Domba, memakai jubah putih dan memegang daun-daun palem di tangan mereka. Dan dengan SUARA NYARING mereka BERSERU:

“Keselamatan bagi Allah kami yang duduk di atas takhta dan bagi Anak Domba!”

(Wahyu 7:9-10)

And behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from EVERY NATION, from ALL TRIBES and PEOPLES and LANGUAGES, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and CRYING OUT with LOUD VOICE:

“Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

(Revelation 7:9-10)