They Are Waiting

Scripture exists in almost 2700 of the 6837 languages currently known to be in use.

At least 4.8 billion people have a Bible available in their first language. A further 595 million people have the New Testament (but only some, if any, of the Old Testament).

Work is in progress for many of the communities who have none of God’s Word in their language or insufficient Scripture. Current estimates suggest around 350 million people speaking 2040 languages may have a need for Bible translation to begin.

Today, over 100 organisations from more than 60 nations form the Wycliffe Global Alliance. Since the first Wycliffe organisation began in 1942, people from these organisations, working alongside local communities, have assisted in the translation of 781 complete New Testaments and 27 complete Bibles, potentially impacting around 145 million people speaking 749 languages.

(resource and read more HERE)


Prayer For Salvation During Month of Ramadan

Ramadan is the month when all the Muslim will fast – from dawn until sunset – from eating & drinking, sexual relations, forged speed and evil actions, increased recitation of the Quran. Their hope to receive spiritual reward from Allah and be multiplied. During the month of Ramadan, the Muslims fast for the sake of demonstrating submission to God and to offer more prayer than usual (from Wikipedia). More about Ramadan you also can find at 30-Days Prayer Network.

This year, the month of Ramadan starts on July 20th through August 18th, it is the Month of Ramadan for the Muslim people in the world. We, as believers, also can get involved during this month by praying for the Muslims in the world, praying for their salvation, praying that they will see the True God, praying that they will be received the revelation of God about Isa-Almasih, the Son of God.

The 30-days Prayer Network encourages and provides the guide how to pray for the Muslim countries during this month of Ramadan. You can join their Facebook Page and Twitter to get updates during the 30-days prayer. At their website, they provide lots of reading materials related to Muslims and how to minister to them. It is also available for Kids and Family, in PDF format or booklet.

Another website where you can learn more about Muslims and how to minister to them is Isa and Islam.  This Website is in English and Indonesian, their desire is:

….. to help other people of faith discover and understand Isa Al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah) from the perspective of both the Quran and the Bible.

Furthermore, we are members of the community of the faithful ones who diligently study the Bible and Islamic writings. For many years we have had meaningful dialogues with Muslims and Christians. We are grateful and humbled by the wisdom that God has given us to understand and speak about these two great world religions.

Indonesia is a country with

  • about 80% of over 230 million people are Muslims, the most Muslim population in the world (from Operation World)
  • 784 people groups (from Joshua Projects).
  • about 722 language groups (from Ethnologue).

Those are some facts about the country where I was born and raised. God has put Indonesia in my heart and show me how much He loves the people of Indonesia since 2004. Since that day, I cry and pray to God for all He will send more and more His workers for the harvest is ready there.

Would you pray with me for the Muslims in the World and Indonesia? Would you pray and ask God what He wants you to do to reach out these people?

Pray For Indonesia

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Indonesia with population 237,642,000, located in South East Asia. Indonesia is the largest Muslim population in the world, which about 80% of the population (resource: Operation World).

The capital city called Jakarta, where most of the people from other cities will come and find jobs.

Official language is Indonesian, which is used for trading and in formal settings. People learn Indonesian when they go to the school. Those who cannot go to school, they cannot speak Indonesian. Some Indonesians are multi-language people. They will speak their first language, called mother-tongue, they very first language they will learn at home to communicate with their immediate family and community where they live. And then IF they go to school, then they will learn Indonesian and English, as the third language.

There are 704 living language groups in Indonesia. Out of these 740 language groups, the Bible is in 33 language groups, New Testaments are in 70 language groups and some Scripture portions are in 71 language groups. That makes over 400 language groups DO NOT YET HAVE the Scripture! (resource: Wycliffe Global Alliance).

So, what can we do for these people of Indonesian to have the Scriptures in the language they can understand best?

  • We can PRAY (go here to join the prayer team for Bibleless People Groups and go here for how to pray for projects in Indonesia).
  • We can GET INVOLVED with the existed projects, go on short mission trips, and join mission organizations, such as Wycliffe Bible Translations and those who do Bible Translations in Indonesia, go here.
  • We can GIVE financially to be team partners to reach out the unreached people groups in Indonesia through the work of Bible Translations (for partnering with us to go to Indonesia, please go here).

We can because God empower us with His Holy Spirit, it is not done by our own power, or skills, or abilities, or whatever we could do. It is done only by the power of God and in His ways. So that only God who will get the glory and worship from the people. God is the one and only reason for all what we are called to do to reach out the unreached people group in Indonesia (see the list of the UPGs in Indonesia here).

We as the church of God, the body of Christ –You and I – can end the Bible Poverty in Indonesia and the world! God has called us to go and make disciples to the world, to teach them what He has taught us (in the language that we understand best) so that they will come and believe in Christ, and baptize them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the end, we all will see that every people, every tongue and ever nation will come and worship God, the Almighty, and they and us will stand before the throne of the Lamb of God and cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Lamb of God.” Isn’t that amazing and beautiful?

What is your part in bringing the Good News to the people who do not have yet a single Scriptures in the language they understand best in their heart?

Easter Egg Hunt

"You Love bind us in unity, O God, together we come to worship you, O Lord, our Savior and Living King!"

Abigail was TOO Excited for this Egg Hunting experience. She actually knew what to do and what to expect when she opened her eggs (plastic eggs!). We went to a Combine Easter Service of 4 Indonesian churches (IBC, IFGF, ICF and Catholic) in Columbus on Easter afternoon. After praise and worship time, they released all the children out to their rooms, divided them in 2 age-categories (so the big kids won’t get the little kids’ eggs… hehehehe….). From there, there where some ladies helped this kids to have their Easter Egg Hunt adventure begun!

Looking for eggs

Where else to go?

Easter Today


Happy Easter!

Jesus came, live on earth and died for all of us for God’s purpose and to fulfill His highest calling. He died to obey his Father and for His glory.

He came to serve, not to be served. He set us an example to serve one another with love (John 13).

Jesus is the true vine where we are the branches found the source of life. We are called to abide in Jesus so we will bear fruits for the glory of God. We surrender to God and trust Him that His ways are always the best for us (John 15).

Jesus didn’t leave, nor forsake us. He prayed for us and He is still interceding for us before God. When we are in Jesus, we are one, just like Jesus and the Father are one. So the world may know God, the Father, through Jesus, in the unity of the believers (John 17).

Jesus was crucified because of the world sins, to be the perfect sacrifice to God, so we are reconciled with the Father, and have the eternal life with Him. Jesus defeated the death (John 19).

To know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death. Through Jesus’ suffering and death, we find the power of His resurrction and we become like Him (Philippians 3).