300th Post: Controlling Tongue = Stop Gossiping

Today I read a devotion from New Living Translation Women’s Devotional. Gossiping is an issue in everybody’s relationship. It will ruin any relationships, and even friendships we have if we cannot stop doing it.

God’s word says,

“If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies.” 1 Peter 3:10, NLT

As women, we have a healthy, natural desire to share our lives with one another in story, and we can experience intense emotional involvement with daily situations. This gives us a powerful means of connection with others. But it can also leave us vulnerable to the sin of gossip. We may be tempted to gossip to make ourselves look or feel better, but don’t we find it does just the opposite? We end up looking and feeling worse. As the verse above tells us, in order to enjoy life–a life centered on Christ–we need to control our tongues.

It is a reminder for all of us how we can control our tongue: we use it to build someone up or ruin someone down. It’s all up to us.


This is my 300th post! Wow! I cannot believe I have written 300 post on this website. I never thought that I could write, much more share my thoughts with others in writing. It’s been a great blessing to me to be able to share my heart and thoughts with you all. You are great blessings to me. Thank you so much for reading my posts, making comments and sharing it with others. God has blessed me through you all!

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