Tuesday Thought: Seeking The Immanuel


God is with us here on earth, every single day, every single moment. He sent Jesus, His Sone, whom we called him Immanuel to be with us. Seeking the Immanuel is only through reading the Bible, His living word.

This is the first week I start the HelloMornings new session challenge. We are studying from the book of Matthew for the next 6 weeks. I got the HelloMornings Power Pack, this is packed with a lot of resources for my God Time, Plan Time and Move Time. Kat Lee, from Inspired To Action, did a podcast about what HelloMornings is all about. You can click here to listen to the podcast and to check out her awesome blog!

To do the study every morning, I love reading His word from couple different versions of the Bible, Indonesian and English. One of my favorite English Bible versions is ESV, the other one is NLT (New Living Translation). Couple years ago my husband got me ESV Journaling Bible as Christmas present 🙂 I like this Bible because it has extra space on each side of the page for journaling. This where I can jot down anything comes up when I read the passage right away. You can grab one of this amazing Journaling Bible from Amazon.

And a couple of months ago, my friend, invited me to join Journaling Bible Community on Facebook. Oh my! I was surprised with this community! These ladies who LOVE God’s word know how to express their loves through art and craft. They encourage each other through sharing the Word. I am so thankful for my friend and for this new community.

BothHelloMornings andJournaling Bible Community are 2 communities where God has put me there to be encouraged by others to encourage others.

Check them out and see if any of these communities fit for you 🙂

5 Minutes Monday: Pray with Thanksgiving


Prayer with thanksgiving.

We pray with thanksgiving because we know who our God is and what He is able to do.

We pray with thanksgiving because we knowing that he is always there with us.

We pray with thanksgiving because we know He listens and answers us according to His will.

And today would you spend your 5 minutes to pray for the people of Aji?

Here’s a little bit about this people group:

Source: Joshua Project

Source: Joshua Project

The Aji are a small community who live in a mountainous area of South Sumatra. They are often called the Haji people because according to a folktale they are descendants of a “Haji” (a person who has completed the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca). The Aji live in 14 villages. Eleven of the villages are clustered together in the Muara Dua District of southern Ogan Komering Ulu Regency (OKU): Sukarami, Tanjung Raya, Kuripan, Peninggiran, Surabaya, Sukarena, Karang Pendeta, Kota Agung, Pulau Panggung, Pirikan, Telanay and Sukabumi. In addition, there are three Aji villages located outside of the Muara Dua District cluster: Lubar Village in the Simpang District of southern OKU, Rantau Panjang Village in another area of Muara Dua and Palas Haji Village in the Palas District of southern Lampung Regency. (source: Joshua Project)

source: Joshua Project

source: Joshua Project

Thank you so much for praying for God’s presence be there among the people of Aji. Thank you for praying that God will make a way for these people to access in His word in language they understand best in their hearts.

Tuesday Thought: See Through The Unclear

We came back from Orlando. During our stay there last week, it rained every single day – in the morning, or in the afternoon, or in the evening.

We drove in the heavy rain every day and it was very hard to see the road.


(Made with #rhonnadesigns)

When nothing is clear in front of us, we have no idea what to do. We feel unsafe and uncomfortable. We cannot make any decisions.

But we have an option to stay positive and keep see the good things in faith. We can keep our eyes on the Father in heaven who is good and who loves us unconditionally.

We can continue to trust in Him who has been with us since the beginning.

We can see good things will come out from the unclear situations for because He is God who will do good things for us according to His love and will.

He has the best plan for each of us even thought most of the time we cannot see it clearly but He will give each of us understanding and knowledge along the way as we are faithfully walking with Him in obedience.

See the good.

You can see the good.

Tuesday Thought: Enter The Rest

Enter The Rest

Let’s enter the rest…

The rest with the Lord so we won’t fall.

The rest to listen to the Lord’s voice correcting us.

The rest to listen to the Lord’s voice guiding us.

The rest to listen to the Lord’s voice leading us to the right path.

For He is the Creator of everything.

For nothing is hidden from Him.

Let’s enter the rest.


So let us do our best to enter that rest. But if we disobey God, as the people of Israel did, we will fall. For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.
(‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭11-13‬ NLT)

Thankful Thursday


Counting God’s blessings in our lives is one way to remind us what God has done and who He is to us. Every gift He gives to us is too wonderful for word.

Though in the midst of uncertainty and so many changes have been happening in our family, all I see how God has been so faithful in my life.


Every single moment I am thanking God for giving them in or life and for giving me this privilege to be their mom.

I am thankful today for being a mother of daughters!

What are you thanking God for today?