Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words! (2 Corinthians 9:15 NLT)
Counting God’s blessings in our lives is one way to remind us what God has done and who He is to us. Every gift He gives to us is too wonderful for word.
I love spending every day at the end of the day, after I put the girls to bed, to just sit and think back what God has done for us. I write them down in my 1000 gifts Journal to remind me that no matter it is small or big thing has happened in that day still I give thanks to my God, the Father, who loves and cares for us.
Last weekend, we spent our Labor’s Day weekend with my brother-in-law, his wife and her family. They hosted us for 3 days and we were so blessed!
We got to see God’s goodness in their lives and we could spend time to enjoy each other companion.
On Saturday evening, they took us to see Bloom Music Concert and it was totally a blast! The girls super excited because it was their first open concert and they played Disney’s songs, including Let It Go. At the end there was fire works.
On Sunday, we had time to hang out with Dave’s brother and his wife. They also took us to see the Blue Angels air show. And in the evening we spent time with the whole family.
Then we left to spend a night camping at Geneva State Park. That is one pretty town by Lake Erie. And on the way back home on Tuesday, we stopped by a beach to enjoy some fun time at Lake Erie.
I am still working on more pictures from the trips, hopefully I will be able to put some on my Facebook album next week 🙂
Did you all also had a fun Labor’s Day with your loved ones? What is your favorite thing to do on holidays?