Remain in Christ = Unity with God

In the last few days, this verses from John 15:1-8 fill my heart and mind… Jesus said,

“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.

 But if you remain in me and my words remain in you…

That phase speaks loud to me. Nothing that Jesus wants more from all of us, who follow Him and trust in Him, is simply to remain in Him and His words remain in us. In other word, we stay in Jesus and have His words live in and be part of out lives.

Later He says that we may ask for anything we want and it will be granted! This is not about “whatever we want” in our flesh desire, but when we live in Jesus and His words live in us, everything we want is align with God’s will and desire. Because He is working in us with the power of His Word and Holy Spirit. We live by the Holy Spirit and not by flesh. And anything we ask in Jesus’ name that what will be granted to us.

At the end, we will produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit, becoming the true disciples of Jesus and that brings the great glory to God! The goal is to bring the glory for God only!

Remaining in Jesus leads us to live in unity with God. Isn’t that amazing truth? I want to live in unity with God all of my days. One way to remain in Jesus and have His words in us is to read the Bible, memorize the verses and meditate them all day.

When I read the Bible and some verses speak loud to me, I will write them in my small note book, a note card and tape it on the wall right beside my desk, and sometimes even I scrapbook it 🙂 So that I can read it all the time, remind me of God’s promises and His presence, and that is my bread.

Another way is I join HelloMornings challenge. This has been an amazing challenge for me to wake up earlier that anyone in my house, have some time with God in His word and prayer time. I love the to see how God speak through all the lades in my group and WOW… always get a surprise encouragement from them every single day! I am so thankful! There will be a new challenge this coming February! And I hope you all can join us and be blessed!


I found this these free Bible verse quotes downloadable desktop background at Meat Me In The Meadow blog yesterday.

640x400_ThisDay 640x400_ThroughPrayer 640x400_WaitingTimes 640x480_InHisHands


Aren’t they beautiful? You can go and download them HERE and have God’s word always on your screen every time you turn your computer on. This is just one of many ways to have God’s word alive around you, that you can read all the time….

So, share with us, how do you have God’s word in you every day?

My Verse 2014

This is my verse 2014. The verse I have been praying for since January 1, 2014.
This is the verse I will use when I pray.
This is the verse that will keep my mind on God and His promise.
This is the verse that I will hold onto in any circumstances.

A verse that God speaks to me loudly and clearly that He is faithful and He is there for me.


Only Jesus Can

Starting today, I am doing the Mini HelloMornings Challenge in January with the HelloMornings group over their blog. They divide this Mini Challenge into 3 weeks:

Week of 1/6 – GOD Mini-Challenge
Week of 1/13 – PLAN Mini-Challenge
Week of 1/20 – MOVE Mini-Challenge

You are invited to join us for this mini challenge!

Today, this are verses spoke to me:

For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. (Col 1:13-14)

No one in this dark world can rescue all people from it. Only Jesus can. This will be a Good News to those who haven’t heard yet. This news will be a good news when it is shared, preached and taught.

What can we do?
– We can pray.
– We can seek opportunity to share this Truth with others.
– We are missionaries to our own families; we reach out to our kids, unbelieved family members & relatives, etc.
– We can encourages each other in our church family.
– We can be partner with missionaries in reaching the unbelievers/unreached people groups.
– We can go as missionaries to our neighborhood, areas, other countries.
So many ways God has provided for His churches to be part of His Great Rescue Plan.

Are we in?

The Beauty of Marriage


I’ve been married to my husband for 5 years and 5 months. And I thank God for each day we have been through together since then.

For years I closed my heart. I avoided dating. I proofed myself that I didn’t need a man in my life. I though that was the best way for not be sad because of broken heart. I was scared.

When I came to know Christ when I was at collage 2002, I was still afraid. I prayed for someone that He had for me and me for him. And prayed. And prayed. There was someone. But after dating for few months and prayed, we felt that we were not meant to be together.

We broke up.

I waited again. And prayed again.

This time I told God that I was all His. I didn’t care to be single for him as long as I got to do what He has called me to do, as missionary.

Looking back those years lead me to thank God for the waiting time & for the broken heart.

Today I am thanking God for my husband. It was worth it to wait for him. God opened my eyes to see these godly qualities and values in Dave’s life, not the worldly ones that every girl’s dream about.

Our marriage is the most beautiful unity in Christ Jesus. He loves God above of anything in his life. And because of his love to God, he reflects that love to me and our daughters. God uses my husband to teach me, to guide me, to help me and to show me who God is in our every day life. He sets example of trusting in God and how to walk in faith. God has been blessing us through him as a husband and a father.


God calls me to respect him, to love him as I love Christ, to help him and be strong for him. God calls me to be the mother to his daugthers. God has put me in his life and him in my life because He meant us to be together and serve Him together as family. It is God who unites us.

That is the beauty of marriage.

We are united by God.
We are led by God.
We love each other to reflects God’s true love.
We respect each other in Christ Jesus.
We are called to serve as family.

What I was looking in a man before I was not a follower of Christ, they are emptiness and useless. They are not what God has for me. But He led me to the one and only He had prepared for me, and prepared me for him.

How about you? What are you looking for in a man whom you will be living with for the rest of your life?


This post I link up at:


Faith Filled Friday

Missional Women

His Plan, His Purpose, His Way

This was his eternal plan,
which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Ephesians 3:11 NLT)
God’s plan is eternal for He himself is eternal God. His salvation plan is for eternal. Can you imagine that if God ever had set a certain time for everyone to repent? I would be lost. Thankful that He is so patient with us & waiting for everyone to repent and be saved.

God has planned us, His Church, to GO, SHARE the Gospel & DISPLY God’s wisdom to the world. Often we feel safe & comfy just being in the church, don’t want to step out of our comfort zone. Honestly, I feel safe for my kids to just be in church environment & Christian communities all the time so they won’t sin. But how do I know what is exactly in their hearts? But God know. Can I know what they will do before hand? no! But God can. He has their future in His hands & He is the one who plan their lives. I cannot control the future but He does.

What I am trying to say here is that keeping ourselves away from the world (we are still lhere, on earth!) is not gonna keep us holy and righteous. God himself with His grace who saved us from who we were before (Ephesians 2:11-12). God makes us holy. God makes us righteous. God makes us who we are in Christ. And he has a purpose when He call us , adopt us into His family, saved us. He has planned for us to go, share the Good News with the world, and display His wisdom & love to the world so that they may know who He is.

If we just be in our comfort zone all the time, then how these unsaved, unreached people will know who God is and what Jesus has done for them?

This one God spoke to me personally this morning. That I have the access, He has opened to door for me to enter His presence, why didn’t I go boldly to Him, instead I keep everything inside my heart? There are things I cannot share with others, just don’t know how to say it. I even do not know how to pray about it. But here’s the truth:

– Through Christ, I have the way to Go to the Father (John 14:1-14). That is absolute promise of God.
– God give me the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-30), the One who will pray foe us in our weakness according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-30). That is the work of the Holy Spirit in us, believers.

Don’t you just love how He KNOWS each of us so well and know exactly each of our need right now? Oh Yes He always answers you every time you seek Him,talk to Him and wait for His answer.

And…one more reminder for me and you….

So please don’t lose heart because of my trials here. I am suffering for you, so you should feel honored. (Ephesians 3:13)

Yes I often lose heart when I was in trials. God command me not to lose heart in the battle for He is with me and it is all for the benefit of His glory and others to come to know Him. Our sufferings and trials are for His glory to be made known. In our weakness, God is there and He reveals His power for the others to see that God is God, the sovereign One.

I cannot stand by myself in the trials, and for that I really need YOU to pray with me and for me, so I can stand in His promises! Would you be praying for me?


This post I link up at:


Faith Filled Friday

Missional Women