Once before… But now…


This week the HelloMornings study was from Ephesians 2:11-22, about The Reconciler of Mankind. And this is what God has been teaching me from these verses:

Once before…
I lived apart from God.
I was an outsider.
I lived without God.
I lived without hope.

But now…
God made Christ Jesus to be our peace.
He came and preached the peace to us.
He is the reconciler.
He made Jesus the cornerstone.

I am saved and redeemed.
I am bought by the blood of Christ.
I am part of His family.
I am an insider in His kingdom.
I can go to God the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit.

You are saved and redeemed.
You are bought by the blood of Christ.
You are part of His family.
You are an insider in His kingdom.
You can go to God to the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit.

Today, I link up this post at HelloMorning blogs and you can find more encouraging posts from what God has taught them through reading of His word in the book of Ephesians.

And also I link up this post at Faith-Filled Friday at Missional Women blog:

Missional Women

The Lord’s Plan


Up until now I still cannot figure out what’s the next step for us to take in this Partnership Development journey. I just know that this journey we have been taking since 16 months ago is not as easy as we thought.

Not knowing the certainty of our next steps really bugs me a lot. Then this verse came back to me since couple of days ago. God reminded me that his plan for me and my family. That He never ever forget, nor forsake, nor abandon us.

He is the one who gives us the desire to serve Him as missionaries and supporting Bible Translation works.

He is the one who leads us to where we are now.

He is the one who put this plan in our lives.

He is the one who will work it out.

For He is the one and the only one who can make it happen.

For His faithful love in our lives.

For He made us.

For He is GOD!

For once again, He speaks to me, “Why worry, my daughter? For I will work out My plans in your life, for I love you so, for I made you.”

In a 2 hours I will be go to a ladies’ retreat with my ladies friends from church at Scioto Hills Christian Camp, we will be rejuvenated, refreshed and reconnected with God. I pray for His new revelation of Himself to me and all the ladies.


I link up this post at:

Missional Women

Prayer of Trust


It has been about 3 weeks I have some things that trouble my heart and mind.

I scare.
I worry.
I feel uncomfortable.
I feel lost.

Instead of praying & be still in Him, I focused my eyes on those feelings that distract me from God & who He truly is.

I found this prayer post back in May from Roy Lessin. I even bookmarked it on my iPad screen. Today, I clicked on it and prayed to God. Pray of trust in Him and in His promises for me, my family and the mission work He has put in our lives.

Prayer of Trust
Lord, I trust in You. I believe in You. I hope in You. You are my confidence, my assurance. I lean upon You, for You are my Rock; I depend upon You, for You are my Provider; I delight in You, for You are the joy of my life. My heart rests in You; my faith responds to You, my soul rejoices in You.

You are the true God who cannot lie and will not fail. You are the Lord, the Almighty God, the Creator of all things. You are my Lord, My God, and my Creator.

You are my Keeper, and I am secure; You are my Father, and I am cared for; You are my Counselor and I am guided; You are my Shelter and I am safe.

I trust You in life—for the wisdom of Your ways, for the blessings of Your favor, for the sufficiency of Your grace, for the power of Your Spirit, and for the endurance that comes from Your strength.

Lord, I trust in You—my mind trusts in You, my will trusts in You, my soul trusts in You—from the depths of my being, I trust in You.

I trust You for all things.
I trust You with all things.
I trust You in all things.
I trust You through all things.
I trust You above all things.

Father, I entrust my future into Your hands, for You who are the Beginning and the End, know the end from the beginning; I entrust my hopes into Your hands, for You never lie; I entrust my labors into Your hands, for You are my exceeding great reward; I entrust my life into Your hands, for You are the only one who does all things well.

Scriptures: Psalms 5:11, 7:1, 9:10, 18:2, 20:7, 25:20, 34:22, 36:7, 37:40, 62:8, 91:2, 118:8, Proverbs 3:5-6 (source: Meet Me In The Meadow)

I am thankful that we have the God who is trustworthy and faithful.

We can trust Him.
We can trust in Him.

We will have peace when we put our trust in God. Because Jesus has overcome the world!

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT)

We will have peace to go through our every day life when we trust in Him and fix our hearts and minds in Christ and His words.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:6-9 NLT)

I pray for you today, may your put your trust in God & He strengthen your faith in Christ Jesus, our Savior. I pray He will bless you as you walk with Him. Amen.

Hide His Word Challenge: Memorize Ephesians 1

hidehisword_eph1I have been looking for a way to help me in memorizing God’s word and been falling behind a lot. I want to do better. I want to memorize more verses. And God led me to joined this new accountability group in memorizing God’s word, called Hide His Word. It is a Facebook group full of amazing ladies who is there to encourage each other in memorizing God’s word. You are invited to join us for this coming challenge, Memorize Ephesians 1 for the next 12 weeks starting September 16th. You can register here! And for weekly accountability, join our Hide His Word Facebook group, follow #HideHisWord on Twitter, and log into our ScriptureTyper group.

Also, this challenge goes side by side with our HelloMornings study now is on the book of Ephesians. More accountability to help me rooted deeper in His word!

So why memorize God’s word? You can find the answer in Psalm 119 and John 15:1-17Those chapters summarize every reason why I want to hide His word in my heart and abide in Him only.

Abide in Jesus and God’s word –> bear fruits –> enable to do everything God commands us to do –> have the joy of the Lord –> love each other –> God will be glorified!

I pray this to my God that:

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (Psalm 119:11)

And what is your reason to hide His word in your heart?

New Identity


We finished our HelloMornings Week 2 study. This week study an eye-opening for me. I don’t know how many times I have read this Ephesians 1:1-14, or heard someone preached about it, or I shared about it to others at a small group meetings, but this week God showed more deeper understanding of who I am, who we are in Christ Jesus when we trust in Him and follow Him.

One word that pop up to me every time I read this passage every day is PREDESTINE, in another word decided in advance.

he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will (Ephesians 1:5, ESV)

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. (Ephasians 1:5, NLT)

God has predestined us to be His children! Isn’t that an amazing truth to know that He has in planned since the beginning to make us His children, be part of His family? That’s the truth I wanna know and remember forever.

Knowing that God decided to choose me to be his child secures me. That truth gives me freedom. He is my Father! What could be more amazing than having the Best Dad ever, the One who has the power over everything, the One who controls everything?

He renew our lives. Through Jesus, His only Son, he forgave us, redeemed us and gave us new life in Jesus. We have new identity in Christ.

We are who we are in Christ now because of God’s grace and will. We are not who we were in the past or what people say about us. For a long time, I lived believing who I was under certain circumstances and what people told me who I was. I often asked my friends this question, “who do you think I am? what do you think I can do?” That because I didn’t have Jesus and the truth. That because I didn’t have self-image and didn’t feel secure. I lived to only make people to like me. That was temporary.

When I read this passage on my NLT Life Application Bible Study, these truths reveals who we are in Christ when we come to believe and trust in Him:

  • We are blessed with every spiritual blessings from heaven (Ephesians 1:3).
  • We are holy and found without fault (Ephesians 1:4).
  • We are adopted as God’s children (Ephesians 1:5,6).
  • We are redeemed and forgiven from our sins (Ephesians 1:7).
  • We are brought under Christ’s authority. He controls everything. (Ephesians 1:10,11)
  • We are identified as belonging to God by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13).



I hope today, God will show you more of Him and give you wisdom to understand who you are in Him. I pray and ask God to continue enlighten your hearts and mine with His Holy Spirit as we read and search His word.

I link up this post at HelloMornings blog. Over there you will find lots of amazing ladies who link up their posts that will bless you! And if you would like to check out on the Bible Study that we are doing for this season, check it out here.