HelloMornings Fall Challenge Registration


Today is the day! The registration for HelloMornings Fall Challenge is open until August 14, 2013.

I am so excited for this challenge because God has been using it to change me, to bless me and to teach me His truth. This coming fall will be my 5th challenge! Through this challenge, God led me to meet wonderful Christian women who inspired me in many ways.

I used to be so lazy to wake up earlier than my husband and babies, but through this challenge, I learned and pushed myself to wake up earlier that they (there were some days I slept in like on Saturdays, my husband let me do that 😀 and when I was sick I slept in too).

Waking up in the morning is not easy for night owl like me. But when I made God my reason to wake up early in the morning, my motivation changed. It became easier and easier from one season to another. I pray. I try. I look for Accountable friends. And God bless my work and make it successful according to His will.

It is a challenge. It is live changing challenge.

We make God our priority in the morning — our hearts and eyes will be focused on Jesus all day long and live by grace!

We ask God to give us wisdom as we make our plan of the day.

We ask God to bless as we making our moves and doing exercises.

These are my reasons why I join HelloMornings challenges. What’s yours?

Pray ask God to show you His reasons and will for you to join this challenge. And take action in trusting God who has called you, He also will bless you in doing this challenge.

Ask God to lead you to the group where you will be fit in and God will use this group to change you and teach you His truth.

Ask God to give you grace after grace each morning.

And when you feel it is time for you to register, you can simply click here or on the picture below to go to the registration page.

We would love to see you there and do the challenge together with you!!!

Prayercast: His Praise Goes On

Prayercast | His Praise Goes On from Prayercast on Vimeo.

This very second the Earth is spinning on its axis, exposing parts to the new day’s first rays of light and shrouding others in the darkness of night.  In the same way, the praises of God’s people are lifted up in a never-ending stream that circles the globe daily.  From mega-cities and rural villages, from mountains and valleys, from jungles and deserts, the LORD Almighty is continuously worshipped in the name of Jesus.

Join the chorus of saints from all around the world and look to Heaven today, no matter what your circumstances, and praise and say thank you to the One who is good and whose love endures forever. He alone is worthy of our praise!

“From the rising of the sun to the place where it goes down, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” Psalm 113:3