Exodus 33:14 | Supplies: ESV Journaling Bible, Pearlesscent Watercolor, Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens, CTMH Hello Life Scrapbooking Stamp Set, CTMH Ink Pads, CTMH Acrylix Block, CTMH Craft Heater, Wink Of Stella Clear Glitter Brush.
I love the version from NLT says that God would go personally with Moses. In the Study Bible, it explains that literally God was saying that would go with him face to face, Moses would continue experiencing God’s presence like he always did.
The LORD replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses,
and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.”
(Exodus 33:!4, NLT)
And God’s promised to him to give him rest, a place to stay and in peace.
But Moses dis not ask for God presence for himself only, he begged God to show Himself to the people of Israel too so that they also would experience His presence in the journey to the Promise Land.
I learn today that to be in His presence all the time is the only way to gain true peace, knowing that with Him everything will be fine for us in our journey. He is with us personally in each step we have to make every day.
That is not easy to do but we can pray and ask for His wisdom and understanding of Him and of what He’s doing in our lives in this season, we can pray asking for Him to reveal His presence to us all the time in every circumstance. His Holy Spirit does not only rest upon temporarily on us like he did to the judges but His Holy Spirit is dwelling in us forever since the beginning we follow and trust Jesus. His Holy Spirit will give us peace and rest we need at all time. All we need to do is ask without doubt, then God will give to us.

Exodus 33:14 | Supplies: ESV Journaling Bible, Pearlesscent Watercolor, Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens, CTMH Hello Life Scrapbooking Stamp Set, CTMH Ink Pads, CTMH Acrylix Block, CTMH Craft Heater, Wink Of Stella Clear Glitter Brush.
I am thankful for the truth and encouragement I received from today’s reading of His word. May God bless you today and give you rest you need when you cling on him and abide in Him.
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