Today’s project is one of those projects inspired by Pinterest. And this is one of our new Christmas decorations this year.
A couple of weeks ago I found this simple and awesome tutorial of making this platte Christmas Tree light. I showed it to my husband and he said that it is doable and he would get some wood pallets for me. Sweet!
Last week he brought home couple of them for this project 🙂 I love my husband!
You will need Christmas light, star, nails and hammer beside wood pallets. My husband got me this big and circle light at Big Lots for only $10!
I took the bigger wood pallet inside the house because it was super duper cold to work on it outside. I cleaned any dirt or spider web using vacuum cleaner. On the tutorial, she did not paint it. So I did not pain it too. The original color is pretty in some ways.
Next is adding nails on the wood pallet. I started from top to bottom. The nails shape like a giant triangle.
Start to hook the light from top to bottom. On the tutorial blog you can see the diagram how to do it.
And it only took 15 minutes to finish this project! Plus my 2 years-old-daughter was trying to help with the hammer… 😀 And all of us LOVE the result 🙂
This project I link up at:
Hope you like this project as much as we do 🙂 Thanks for being here again today!