Love God Greatly is a women ministry and community desires to help EVERY WOMAN in EVERY NATION have access to God’s Word in THEIR LANGUAGE. To accomplish this goal, Love God Greatly has developed a network of trained translators, who help us translate all our Bible studies into 20+ languages (view languages).

The Bible Study Journal Book is resource for women to dig deeper into God’s word and their lives are changed by the power of His love and his living word. Love God Greatly exist to inspire, encourage, and equip women with God’s word to love Him greatly with their lives, and to serve others in their daily lives.
Love God Greatly consists of a beautiful community of women who use a variety of technology platforms to keep each other accountable in God’s Word. We start with a simple Bible reading plan, but it doesn’t stop there. Some gather in homes and churches locally, while others connect online with women across the globe. Whatever the method, we lovingly lock arms and unite for this purpose…to Love God Greatly with our lives.
Did you know when you purchase a Love God Greatly Bible study journal you are helping women around the world have access to Bible studies in their language AND help equip our translators to reach their nations with God’s Word??? Pretty incredible!!! Visit their store here.
Make sure to get connected with us for more updates and news:
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