God is merciful. That is the truth.
It is also human nature and how easy we can see in the Bible how they went back to their old life style even though God had driven out them of their old land to live in the land God had promised to them. I see this happens to us too. To me.
How easy I can feel discourage and disappointed when what I got from others was not what I expected from them. Or when I was stressful I easily yelled at my daughters who made mistakes instead of telling them gracefully.
I went back to my “old habit” even I fought so hard to not to be like that.
I fell off the wagon.
But God is strong enpugh to pick me up because He is merciful. It is because God is God, loving God, God of grace.
This is why I need Him every single second, moment in my life to live to be a child, to be a wife, to be a mom and to be a friend to others.
This is why though now I live in the new life in Jesus Christ, but my flesh is week. I need His power and desire to do what pleases My Heavenly Father’s heart every day.
This is why He never stop showing us His mercy and grace repeatedly. Oh what a wonderful God!
God bless your weekend friends!

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