Greater Joy

This is not a coincidence that this week prompt for Five Minute Friday is JOY.

Five Minute Friday

This is not JOY…. It is the greater JOY I ever had in my life with Jesus that I have almost the whole Bible in my heart language! I can read it online, at any time, any where.

I admit that I am crying with tears of joy while writing this post. This is the joy I want to share with everyone. This is the joy that I want those who have not yet have the Bible to have too. This is why my husband and I want to go and share this joy with them. We want to go to let them know that God is alive. God cares. God speaks in language they understands. God wants them to know Him and to love Him.

In God’s word we find the true joy in the midst of craziness of life. In God’s word alone we find the answers of this life. Through reading God’s word, we hear Him speaking to us.

But they won’t have it if they do not have the Bible.

For 12 years my walk with God, I read the Bible in Indonesian and English. My husband went to my hometown in 2007 as part of his short mission trip with Wycliffe (at that time we were not dating yet) and when he came back to Jakarta to see me, he brought back a book of Acts and the story of Joseph in Manadonese. That was my very first time read God’s word in my heart language.

And then in 2012, the director of Bible Translation in Manado, sent me 5 partial books of the Bible in Manadonese and 3 other languages that in one cluster. I REJOICED!

Last night, I got an email from the director and she gave the link to the Gospel of God in Manadonese Online! I am leaping with joy to know that we now have access to God’s Word in our heart language, Manadonese! We have the website to read it now and waiting for the printed one to be done soon!!!!

Wanna know how my first language look like? You are welcome to visit the website here:

Injil Manado - Gospel of God in Manadonese

THANK YOU for all of you who have been praying for this. God heard and answered your prayers for us. PLEASE continue pray for the rest of 400 languages in Indonesia who has been waiting for so long to have the Bible in their languages!

THANK YOU for all the translators who have been working so hard to make it happen.

THANK YOU for all financial partners who have invested financially in this projects for the people of Manado can read God’s word

THANK YOU for administration people and IT supports people who work heard behind the scene. Without your supports, this won’t happened!

To God only I give my praise! He is the one who have started the good work in our lives and He will continue to work until the day He reveal His glory!

We are so close to have the whole New Testament! Almost at the finish line!

I would like to invite you to be part of the mission to bring God’s word to 200 Million people who speaks at leas 1,900 languages in the world so that they can have the joy we have in Christ…. Check out these organizations and please be prayerfully consider to be their partners:

Wycliffe Bible Translations

Wycliffe Associate

The Seed Company

God’s word for every people in every language.


I link up this post at:

Missional Women

I Am A Missionary

I found this video through my husband’s blog couple of days ago and I would love to share with you this encouraging and powerful video… It is only about 4 minutes long, would you please take time to watch it and pray?

I am a missionary…. to my children, to my next generations, to my family, to my neighborhood, to my city, to my country, to the nations.

I am a missionary through my every day life at home as stay-home-mom, through my words, through my work and even through my crafting and scrapbooking projects.

Me and my family are missionaries….

God created you and us to be missionaries. God created us to fulfill His plan. God crated us so that they will hear about Him, follow Him and worship Him. God created us for Him.

His calling is loud and clear. All we need is to listen and obey. All we need is to follow His footsteps to where He leads us.

He has called us to go to the people who have been waiting to hear the Good News.

“around 180 million people speaking 1,919 languages are understood to ‘likely need Bible translation to begin’. These estimates represent 1,576 languages with no known Scripture (98 million people) and 343 languages (81 million people) with some Scripture but no current activities in place.”

Wycliffe Global Alliance

We are waiting to go, they are waiting…. for you and us.

“And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” ~ Romans 10:15, NLT

Would you answer this calling today?

Would you be the sender?

Would you be the goer?

When you pray and ask God how you can be the answer, check out these organizations and please be prayerfully to consider be their partners to bring the Gospel to the 180 million people:

Wycliffe Bible Translators

The Seed Company

End Bible Poverty


I link up this post at:

Missional Women

The Sovereign Lord Is My Strength

Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord!

I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.

(Habakuk 3:17-19)


PRAY FOR INDONESIA & MANADO (picture credit)

Catastrophic flooding in Manado, North Sulawesi on January 15, 2014 has left many Christians in the area with out Bibles. One of the news reported at least 13 people got killed and thousands left with no homes. It was so devastated. I saw lots of pictures sent to me from my family and relatives that truly made me so sad.

PLEASE BE PRAYING for them as they recovering from the flood, they need a lot of helps and prayers. Ask God to send more helps for them. And ask God to strengthen them and give the families who lost their loved ones peace and knowing that God is faithful.

My husband and I were thinking what can we to help from here beside prayer. I am making cards for a while and thinking that I can raise some money by selling these cards for donations to help the believers there replace their copies of God’s Word. An Indonesian Bible costs only $6 – $8. All donations will be sent to Bible Translation Center in Manado and they will distribute the Bibles to the people.

Please visit my Album Here to see the card sets I am selling for this fund raising and you also can visit my Etsy Shop to buy cards.

If you feel led by God to donate monetary directly, you can go to this link to for donation –

THANK YOU so much for all your prayers and supports for the people of Manado! I truly appreciate it and thank God for you!

Only Jesus Can

Starting today, I am doing the Mini HelloMornings Challenge in January with the HelloMornings group over their blog. They divide this Mini Challenge into 3 weeks:

Week of 1/6 – GOD Mini-Challenge
Week of 1/13 – PLAN Mini-Challenge
Week of 1/20 – MOVE Mini-Challenge

You are invited to join us for this mini challenge!

Today, this are verses spoke to me:

For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. (Col 1:13-14)

No one in this dark world can rescue all people from it. Only Jesus can. This will be a Good News to those who haven’t heard yet. This news will be a good news when it is shared, preached and taught.

What can we do?
– We can pray.
– We can seek opportunity to share this Truth with others.
– We are missionaries to our own families; we reach out to our kids, unbelieved family members & relatives, etc.
– We can encourages each other in our church family.
– We can be partner with missionaries in reaching the unbelievers/unreached people groups.
– We can go as missionaries to our neighborhood, areas, other countries.
So many ways God has provided for His churches to be part of His Great Rescue Plan.

Are we in?