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They Need To Know

I boast only in God for His mercy is rich & His love is great for us. #hellomornings #endbiblepoverty #writetheword

Ephesians 2:4-6 tells us that God is being so rich in mercy and has loved us with great love, He even made us alive together with Christ when we were dead in our sins – only by His grace we have been saved – He raised us up with Him and seated us with in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus.

Isn’t that an amazing and wonderful promises for us when we are His?

Today I know in my heart that these promises are only for me, but also for you and for the over 200 million people who have not yet heard about God and His rich mercy and great love for them.

These over 200 million people have been waiting for a long time. They do not have one single verse of God’s word in language they understand best in their hearts, that’s about 1,967 languages!

They need to hear about it. We can be part of the work to bring this Good News to them. Would you join the team to bring the Gospel to them?

Here’s how you can get involved and partners in prayer and financial in God’s mission through:

Wycliffe Bible Translators

The Seed Company

or join our team to bring the Gospel to Southeast Asia.

God is at work in all over the world, God never forget nor forsake them.

And together we can End Bible Poverty!

Forgiveness and Hope


This week I continue my Bible study from Joseph and his family in the book of Genesis 42.

It is about Forgiveness.

Joseph showed no hatred at all but love, mercy and kindness. He even gave back their money so that they would have enough for their journey back to their father’s house.

Our unconfessed sins are not only effected our lives, but also our loved ones. We need to confess all of our sins to receive forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration.

Our God shows us love, mercy and kindness, no matter what we have done. He is waiting for us to come to seek him and reunite with him. He shows us forgiveness. He has provided the way for us to return from our wicked ways, to walk in the truth. He has provided the way and the only way to go to the Father is through Jesus Christ.

Forgiveness to every single person that you know in your life and the 2,9 million people who haven’t heard of Him.

We have heard the Greatest News in Jesus, that he loves every individual so much until he died on the cross for all of our sins, but they haven’t.

We have found the True God and be reconciled, but they haven’t.

They have waited for a long time.

God wants every one in this world to come, receive forgive and new life in Christ Jesus. He is waiting patiently for every person.

God can do it by himself, He is the mighty, powerful God. But He calls us to be part of His salvation plan. He calls us to be part of His mission to bring the Greatest News to 2,9 million people in every language they can understand best in their hearts.

That’s the reason we do what we do. This is your calling and our calling.

The Seed Company is a partner organization of Wycliffe Bible Translators. Their mission is to accelerate Scripture translation and impact for people without God’s Word through Great Commission partnerships. Their vision to see God’s Word transforming lives in every language in this generation. (The Seed Company mission and vision)

Would you be prayerfully to consider be part of the team?

You can be a prayer partner.

You can be a financial partner.

Where to find The Seed Company:

Twitter: @TheSeedCompany search with hashtag #WritetheWord and #EndBiblePoverty.

Pinterest: The Seed Company’s Write the Word Pin Board.

Facebook: “Write the Word” Facebook page.

Facebook: The Seed Company on Facebook.

Visit The Seed Company Blog and while you are there subscribe their blog posts. This allows posts to be sent directly into your inbox so not to miss a thing.

Easter Story for Kids

easter2013Today my husband and I were given an opportunity to share about the impact of Bible Translation led to the life changing in Christ with a group of kids at our children church. He found a story, Jesus is Alive, related to Easter and Bible Translation at Wycliffe’s blog post. It is free to download here, included a recipe of empty-tomb rolls for Easter Morning.

The story about a boy named Nard, a Pilipino boy, who came to know Christ and became a missionary pilot.

A translator, Dick, went to his village to share the Good News about Jesus to him and the people in his village in Philippines. When Nard met Dick, he was a boy who could not read or write, he was know as trouble maker. Dick asked for Nard’s help to teach him his language, Isnag. After years of learning and translating, Dick finally finished the book of Mark. And Nard could read and write at that time, too. It was time for Dick to go on furlough and he gave Nard a copy of the translated book of Mark in his language. He told Nard to read it while he was away.

Nard’s life was changed after reading the story of Jesus. His eyes were opened and his heart was touched by the Holy Spirit when he came to understand the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion  and resurrection.

When the Word of God translated in the language of the people can understand the best in their heart, the power of God’s word will work in their hearts and Holy Spirit will lead them into the salvation. For they can understand complete what God says to them. For they can see the truth clearly. For they can grow in their faith when they keep reading and studying the Word of God in their own language. Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Romans that the power of God’s word can safe anybody who believes (Romans 1:16-17). That is the truth.

Would you join us to bring the gospel to over 290 million people who speak about 1,967 languages in the world through prayer? Would you be partners of Wycliffe to get this big task done?

Check out HERE to know more about Wycliffe and to find out how you can get involved in God’d mission work through Wycliffe.


Jesus came to save and to bring freedom to those who believes in Him.

Love Like Jesus

When I wrote 1 John 3:16-17 today in 3 languages I speak, I am thinking and praying for those 209 million people speak about 1,967 languages, who do not have one single verse in the languages they understand best (source: Wycliffe Global Alliance). There are about 400 languages spoken by at least 190 million people in the country we will be going in South East Asia.
Today we can end the Bible poverty by praying and get involved with the Bible Translation movement around the world by partnering with Wycliffe Bible TranslatorsThe Seed Company and their sister organizations. You can join us in #WritetheWord movement every Wednesday hosting by The Seed Company to raise the awarness of the need of Bible Translations for the Bibleless People Groups in the world.
  • Write God’s word on your journal,or maybe the verses from your daily Bible Study
  • Take a picture of it
  • Post and share your picture on Instagram, or Pinterest, or Facebook, or Twitter, pretty much on every social media you might have.
  • Add hashtag #WritetheWord and #EndBiblePoverty, when you tweet it and while you are there follow @theseedcompany, also follow them on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest.
  • Go to The Seed Company Blog and add your Instagram picture link there.


All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, o LORD; they will bring glory to your name. (Psalms 86:9)