“The authority for and ownership of all aspects of the process of Bible translation are returning to the global Church. This foundational transition affects every aspect of Bible translation.” (Tim Jore of Distant Shores Media and Wycliffe Associates)

When it comes to getting the Word of God into the hands of those still waiting to hear and understand, it is something that cannot be done alone. It takes a team of people working together. That’s where you come in . . .
Since 1967, Wycliffe Associates has given people like you the opportunity to partner in Bible translation efforts worldwide. Today, you can support crucial work in Africa, the Pacific, the Americas, Asia, and Eurasia. Whatever part of the world calls to your heart, there’s a role for you to play in Bible translation.
By partnering with national translators, we can help accelerate Bible translation and ensure that we are communicating God’s Word accurately—and powerfully.
Wycliffe Associates walk side by side with national translators to provide these dedicated nationals the training, technology resources, and support they need to speed translation efforts to help their language groups hear God’s voice speak personally to them. This organization also exist for you if you wanna make a difference and impact people live by investing:
- Your skill, experiences and time as volunteers. If you have been praying an opportunity to serve, see how you can serve together with this amazing organization here.
- Your financial donation. You can help support the works of Bible translations by giving a gift to Wycliffe Associates. This gift will be a great blessings to those who live remotely.
Wycliffe Associates accelerates Bible translation in these additional areas:
We are serving with Wycliffe Associates since Fall 2014 as supported staffs. My husband serves as IT / Accounting for SEA* and I serve as the volunteer coordinator and liaison between the organization and the national organizations, churches and missionaries. We are raising support to go serving for long term. You can find us here. This summer, we plan to go visiting for couple of months to see families and also helping with couple projects in the country. Would you please pray for this? If you want know more details, please feel free to contact me personal through email.

Distant Shores Media use modern technology to equip and help the global Church to make disciples of every people group. They provide open discipleship resources for every church to use to share the Good News like Open Bible Stories.
They also working together with entire global church through Door 43 translation platform to bring the Good News.
Why do they do it? It is because everyone should have God’s word and adequate discipleship resources in their own languages, for FREE.
In my own experiences in my home country, we do not have adequate discipleship resources in languages the people can understand better than the National language and English. And the need of translating God’s word in each needed language is very high. So far that we know it is at least 400+ languages that need translation of the Gospel.
Both of these organizations are partners in Bible Translation works by partnering with national translators, they help accelerate Bible translation and ensure that we are communicating God’s Word accurately—and powerfully.
They have a project called The unfolding Word. It is an open-licensed Biblical stories, translation training respirces and open-source tools that enable the global Church to do whatever is needed to accelerate the task of translating the Bible into every language.

We read this stories with our kids at home. Our 5 years old daughter can read the stories by herself now. This is FREE resources for you, your families and churches. This is a new tool for bringing the God’s word to the local people’s languages where you planting the church. Part of my assignment is also to help with this project, for now I am working remotely from home to work with a national organization that translating the stories into the national language so that the national translators can use the stories and translate them into each of their people group language. One that is amazing about this resources (beside they are FREE), the national translators can use is offline. They can share the Good News right away with their people as soon as their done translating it.
If you would like to know more about this ministry and “Gospel-sharing” tool, you can visit the website here. And over there, you can download the app to read the Bible Stories with your family, and feel free to use this tool to share the Gospel with those who need it.
Together we can end the Bible poverty and spiritual famine in all around the world with obeying His great commandment and take action by living put loud God’s calling to each of us.
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