Your Vital Role

Jesus Brings Freedom ButtonPray is the fuel for any ministries and our lives. Pray is what we’re saying that we need God and it is only can be done by God and His’ power. Pray is the only way to reach His throne and receive His grace in time we need help. Pray is where we stand in the gap for those who are in needs of God and His love.

Through pray we come to God and plead for our loved ones. But also…

We are called to pray for others who have not heard nor known about Jesus Christ. We pray is to reach out the over 209 million people in this world to come to know God, for God to open doors for them to have His word in the languages (over 1,900 languages!) that they can understand best in their hearts, for God to touch them and change their hearts, for God to lead them in the way of truth and life.

You have a vital role in God’s mission in this world. You can pray today.

The Seed Company, a Wycliffe Bible Translators affiliates, have released 40-days Devotional e-Book, that you can get it for FREE here. During this Lent, you can read God’s word, meditate and pray for Jesus to bring freedom to over 209 million people who speak about 1,967 languages. They have been waiting too long!

Would you join us to pray today?

One Word 2013: Give

Every year, a few days before the New Year Eve, I always spend time to pray and ask God for His specific word for me for the whole year, a verse that always reminds me of Him, who God is and his promises in my life, the verse that will encourage and strengthen my faith in Christ when I am in hard days.

After spending time with God, He gave me his promise for 2013 from Philippians 2:13

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

I meditate on that verse, every word He speaks to me in that verse. I keep it in my heart and mind. I pray using that verse for me, for my husband and for my daughters. I ask God to help me to live it out each moment, ask him to give me the desire and power to do what pleases Him and ask him to continue work in and through me.

This year I choose a word that will be my guide. The word that from the verse God has given to me for this year. The word is GIVE.

God gives me the desire and power to please Him. I want to be a giver, instead of receiver only.

When I read the word from God in Philippians 2:13. I have to admit that this is not going to be easy process for me at all. I know well in my heart that I only can be a giver God wants me to be, a giver whom pleases His heart only, is only if He gives me the desire and power through the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. I pray and ask God to change my life each day to be more like the one He wants me to be.

GIVE is my One Word to focus on and live for 365 days and I pray that by the end of the year I will be the giver that God wants me to be.

I am encouraged by a friend of mine, who posted about doing One Word 356 on our Facebook group. We are encouraged to pick just one word which we will focus on for 365 days and what we want to be at the end of the year. The word that will change our lives to glorify God and to show God’s love and glory to others. You can find this community at Facebook and Twitter with hashtag #OneWord365. To know how you choose your One Word, you can read this post. When you choose your One Word, write a post about it and share it by linking your blog post here at their community!

Just remember that:

Your One Word is intended to be your guide, not your harsh standard. It’s not about doing more, but about being who you were created to be.

So, what is your One Word in 2013?

Hello Mornings: Winter 2013

In the Fall, I found a group of sweet and godly ladies, who love and addicted to God’s word. They read, meditate, and obey God’s word they read every morning. They have become inspirations and good motivations to me personally. They are from Hello Mornings Challenge group.

We woke up early in the morning before anyone else woke up (yes, even raised up before the sun!)

We read the Word of God first thing in the morning before we started our busy brains and bodies.

We prayed for our friends in our group and everyone else God put into our lives and hearts.

We planned for what God has in stored for us to do that each day.

We set a plan what to accomplish on that day.

We enjoyed the life and blessings that God has given to us.

We gave thanks to God for what He has been doing in our lives.

And we do not stop there. We bless others and encourage others who in needs.

I was not perfect. I fell off the wagon many times, but my Accountable Captain blessed me so much. She encouraged me to keep on doing it. We prayed for each others and encouraged each other. God has blessed me abundantly through this challenge and through the testimonies of my AC and friends.

I keep on praying that God will continue his work in their lives and continue bless them to be blessings to others. I am praying that God will help me and continue draw me closer and closer to him each day.

God proof that He is there through this ladies. And He is there also for you.

If you ever needed an encouragement, motivation, and challenge that challenge you to love God more and to live for Him each moment, then Hello Mornings is where you can find it. Go HERE to find and join a group.

Katie Orr, the Hello Mornings Director, says,

“HelloMornings is not about achieving a certain goal, becoming a “better you”, or trying to beat the sun out of the gates. The HelloMornings challenge is about discipleship, stewardship, and worship. We want to help you grow closer to God and honor Him in whatever stage of life He has placed you in.”

That’s what I need. Why I join this challenge? That because I know that I cannot do it by myself. I need the Holy Spirit. I need God’s word. I need a push. I need someone to go along with me. I need a motivation and encouragement. Here’s why I wanna do it (read it here).

You might have your own reasons why.

You can go here to read more about Hello Mornings and Join us to a challenge that will change your life, because it is God’s word that we read and obey and God’s word is the God’s power that able to save and change life.

It is God who is the one and only focus of our mornings!

Why Worries

I have been worry in the last month. I am worry about our health, financial situations, and it’s getting closer to our plan to go but our ministry budget is not there yet. Adding to that, in the last 4 days I am worry about my grandma, who is 90 years old, unbeliever, was admitted to the hospital 3 days ago and not going good. My family took her home yesterday but still not showing any good improvement. I am so worry and sad that we would not be able to go and see her for the last time maybe. These things are just adding and adding up to my mind and heart, and cause me not to have enough sleep at nights.

My worries are taking over me, my heart, my mind, my focus, and even my faith. I start to doubt and fear of the future. My worries cause a lot “What If” questions in my mind.

Because of being worry, I forgot of my God, how big He is, how awesome his awesomeness and how faithful He is.
Because of being worry, I forgot that my God is the God of impossible.

My God can perform signs of wonder. My God can save. My God can!

Jesus asks a question in Matthew 6:27, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” the answer is NO. Worries cannot add any single moment to your life. God can. Jesus says that seeking the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. So we don’t have to be worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:33-34). And John reminds us in 1 John 5:14-15 that when we know that God hears and answers whatever we ask that pleases Him, we have confidence in God. Whatever we ask that will please God’s heart and bring glory to His only name, He will give what we ask for.

Isn’t that awesome and wonderful promises we have in God? Yes, He will work it out in our lives and show us His wonderful glory.

If you ever wonder about God and his faithfulness, then don’t. Have faith and confidence in Christ Jesus, then you will meet God, the Father. He will fill you with His Holy Spirit when you trust and believe in Him. God is God. No one like Him.

Today, let’s we stand and worship God in awe and wonder!


This is submitted for Five Minute Friday. And today’s prompt word is WONDER.

Want to know how Five Minute Friday got started and how to participate? All the details are here.

Now, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.


Before The Lamb

Sesungguhnya, suatu kumpulan besar orang banyak yang tidak dapat terhitung banyaknya, dari SEGALA BANGSA dan SUKU dan KAUM dan BAHASA, berdiri di hadapan takhta dan di hadapan Anak Domba, memakai jubah putih dan memegang daun-daun palem di tangan mereka. Dan dengan SUARA NYARING mereka BERSERU:

“Keselamatan bagi Allah kami yang duduk di atas takhta dan bagi Anak Domba!”

(Wahyu 7:9-10)

And behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from EVERY NATION, from ALL TRIBES and PEOPLES and LANGUAGES, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and CRYING OUT with LOUD VOICE:

“Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

(Revelation 7:9-10)