Before 2008, I always got up 4 o’clock in the morning, started my daily life with getting shower, ran to catch the bus, attended classes, went to work after class as part-timer, then went back home. I ended my days around 10 p.m. every day. That was my life when I was in Indonesia. My daily routine life was pushing me out of bed way early in the morning otherwise everything would be out of schedule.
I spent reading my Bible and listened to music on the way to my campus every morning because it took 2 hours from my parents’ house to the campus.
Since I moved to States after getting married, my routine shifted. Especially when I had nothing to do and then our first born baby arrived. Totally messed up my routine. I spent all my time to figure out what and how to become a mom and a wife, how to adjust with this new culture and life style. Everything is changed. The only thing that never ever change is GOD and his Word.
Yes, I found it difficult to wake up early in the morning since then. It’s been hard for me. Why? Because I have nothing to do or somewhere to be in the morning, I have no schedule at all, I have no priority, and I have no motivations at all. I feel that I am not a good wife and mom, nothing to compare with the woman describes in Proverbs 31 at all!
But I never stop asking God to show me how and help me to get on my feet in the morning, to do better serving my husband and my daughter (soon we will have 2 children!) and most of all to serve my Lord and King. I keep on praying and reading the Bible at any time, anywhere, any moment.

In the last couple of months, I have been following a Twitter feeds from several Christian women who have been encouraging me with their tweets. Through them I found Kat @ Inspired to Action. Kat with 9 other amazing women start a challenge called Hello Mornings, how to maximize our mornings as a child of God, follower of Christ, a wife, a mom and an encouraging friend to others.
THIS IS THE ANSWER TO MY PRAYER, I think. I am sure IT IS! God led me to this group of women who faithfully walk with God and share their testimonies to encourage other women. I need this. I need the motivation and help. Why?
Because we need others, who is stronger that us, to strengthen us in faith. And they are there for you and me.
Just like my friend, Meredith, says, “Being a mom and a wife is a never-ending non-stop job.” We need each other. This is a challenge for me. A challenge that I pray God will use it to maximize my life and my mornings for only for Him, that God will use and give wisdom to my Accountability Captains to motivate and to help me and my friends in our groups to life our lives in God’s glory, and that God will show His favor and love to all of us.
How are we gonna do this? Joining this challenge, participants will:
- experience quality time with God
- intentionally plan their mornings
- and exercise regularly
And how am I gonna do it?
- I will go to bed when it’s time to go to bed as early as possible.
- I will get up earlier that anyone in my house, that will be my husband and my girl (they are early risers!).
- I will spend time with as my very first thing to do in the morning: listening to Audio Bible and reading at the same time (writing journal, of course!).
- Fixing breakfast for my husband and brewing our favorite coffee.
- Get myself ready for my children to wake up and getting their breakfast ready.
- and the list will goes on…
Those are the beginning and I pray that God will help me to start my day well with Him and finish it well with Him.
This is not just a challenge, this is more than that. This is a change of life style, from nothing to something. Everybody can do it with and through Christ Jesus who is the source of every thing we will need to walk with God, to serve and obey Him, to love Him and to show the world His love.
How do you maximize your morning? Do you want more that just what you have done so far?
Come and and join us at Hello Morning Fall Challenge, visit and register HERE. It’s not too late!

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