5 Minutes Monday

I am so thankful for you for willing to spend your 5 minutes today to pray with me for the Bibleless and Unreached People Groups in Southeast Asia.

This week Focus UPG is the people of Muko – Muko.

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Source: Joshua Project

There are about 53,500 people of Muko-Muko. The Muko-Muko come from the North Muko-Muko and South Muko-Muko districts of north Bengkulu Regency of Bengkulu Province. They are located south of West Sumatra Province, west of South Sumatra Province and along the coast of the Indian Ocean. Part of their area is swampland or tidal waters where a brackish mix of ocean and river water mix. There are also many rivers, the largest of which is the Muko-Muko River. The Muko-Muko are no longer isolated, as the government has constructed a highway connecting Bengkulu Province to West Sumatra Province that passes through the Muko-Muko area. In everyday communication, the Muko-Muko speak their own speech variety, a dialect of Minangkabau influenced by Malay.

The Muko-Muko are farmers, fisherman, hunters, daily laborers, merchants and rattan craftsmen. Their most famous handicraft are carved cigarette lighters. In addition to this, they have community farms which produce rubber, cloves and palm oil. The kinship system is matrilineal, which means that descent and property are passed down to the daughters in the family. This is due to the influence of the related Minangkabau people. The Muko-Muko still use their traditional leadership system. Their villages are governed by a Pasirah (village chief) and his assistants. The role of the Pasirah is to safeguard stability and harmony according to their cultural customs, as well as to collect taxes and community fees. These fees can take the form of working three days every year for the village head or giving money amounting to the same value of the three days of work. Other fees are paid to get a certificate of marriage, certificate of divorce, peace treaties and permission to court a young maiden. The Muko-Muko use the term kaum to refer to a group of families. The kaum is led by the clan chief and his assistants. There are five clans that are still growing: Delapan, Berenam, Empat Belas (Seven Ancestors), Lima Suku and Gersik Tunggul.

The most famous aspect of the Muko-Muko culture is the Gandai dance. This dance is similar to the Malay dances but has been influenced by the Minangkabau style of dancing. When they attend a cultural celebration the men wear traditional clothes called teluk belangga, which is a black jacket with a turban. The women wear traditional clothing called betabur, which is a blouse with a gold threaded cloth and a wrap-around skirt.

Islam is the religion of the majority of the Muko-Muko, but in everyday life they still hold to animistic beliefs. At the core of these animistic beliefs is the effort to get protection from spirits using occultic power to control good and bad spirits. They are very afraid of the spirits of deceased mothers who died giving child birth. They also worship large tree, rocks, natural springs, ancestral graves and their ancestors.

At this time the Muko-Muo need agricultural assistance, particularly with their community farms, so that the farms can be better managed and improve people’s standard of living. They also need Indonesian language teachers because many of the Muko-Muko can not speak or even understand Indonesian.

Pray today:

  • Ask God to send His workers to reach out them: to raise His churches to take actions to reach them strategically.
  • Ask God to make a way for these people to hear His Good News in the language they understand best.
  • Ask God to show you how you can get involve to reach out to them according to His will.

Thank you for praying for them with me today!

My Wild Obedience, My Little YES

“This gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

I went to Declare Conference 2 weeks ago. It was an amazing women blogging conference. From the name of it, you can tell that where we can go to learn more about blogging, how to blog, tips and tricks, social media, graphics, photography… But for me, God had something different in store there.

I experienced the unexpected.

He started with my heart, the very important part of this life.

He spoke to me clearly at every single session I attended.

So much to ponder in my heart and mind.

One of the speakers, Kristen Welch, said that our little YES can be others’ big YES! God can work things out that we cannot imagine how big it will be just because HE IS GOD!

This is my wild obedience to God’s calling, to what He has put in my heart. My little YES is to spend 5 Minutes ever Monday to pray for Bibleless and Unreached People in this country. My little YES is to mobilize more people to pray and to get involve in reaching out to them so they may hear the Good News. And I wanna see what God will do through our prayers, that He is unstoppable, that He listens to our prayers and that He is at works.

I am living my given life with a God-sized dream, to go serving Him and live among the people of SEA* one day with my family. The first step is, to pray. Prayer can end Bible Poverty in the Bibleless countries. Prayer can reach the Unreached People Groups wherever they are. Prayer can bring changes in people’s lives!

Would you also take 5 minutes today to pray for Focus Unreached People Group in Indonesia?

I am going to have a weekly post on 5 Minutes Monday Focus UPS starting next week. As a start, this is Indonesia. There are about at least 779 people groups in Indonesia, and there are about 227 unreached people groups and 450 of them need God’s word in their heart languages. This is a HUGE unfinished work for christians in the country. We need YOU! We need YOU to pray. We need YOU to standing with us in the gap for them. We need YOU to go with us as a team to reach them out.


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  • Pray for God’s Kingdom come and His will be done for Indonesia!
  • Ask God to send more partners and workers to go and reach them out.
  • Ask God to open the ways for the people of Indonesia will hear the Good News, understand and be saved because they trust in the Lord and Savior.
  • Ask God to show you how you can be part of His mission work in Indonesia.

Terima Kasih! Thank You for praying for Indonesia today!

Don’t Be Afraid and Don’t Be Silent

Every time I read the book of Acts, God teaches me different things from the same book, He is unlimited source of knowledge and wisdom! He speaks differently to His children to meet their needs. Isn’t He the amazing Father?

God knew how to speak to the people Paul visited. He knew their hearts and how they would react to the truth that Paul shared with them. He knew that they would reject and oppose Paul and the message. But God had prepared Paul for all of these, he said to Paul clearly,

“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent! For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.” (‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭18‬:‭9-10 NLT)

We all can read the result after that. Paul extended his staying for another 1,5 year just to continue preaching and teaching God’s word among the people.

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This portion of passage speak a lot to me this morning that there are many Christians here and in my home country have heard about Jesus, the Messiah, but they have no idea that they only know “about” Him, not knowing Him personally. We are sent to share the Gospel not only to those who have not yet heard of the Good News, but to those also who have heard but have not yet having relationship with the Father.

I grew up in a small where you can literally see a church in every one mile! But watching their every day life that did not show what they told others about Jesus or what the Bible says. They just tried to get people to go to church, but not never leading them to understanding that they need to repent and leave their old life style and have relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ.

As a non-Christian, I though, well then if they lived like that, what’s wrong with my life style? I could just go to church and not changing my life so people could see the outside.

That was sad. Sad because I got the wrong ideas of what being a Christian is. Sad because there was no one came to me and taught me the truth. Sad because I had to wait for 21 years of my life to finally came to know the giver of my life who loves me so much and even gave His so that I may come to life. Sad.

But this is truth I read in Acts 18 this morning confirmed what God has put in my husband’s heart and mine that we need to go to preach and teach the truth not only to the people who never heard of it but also to those who have heard of it but not yet understand the truth. It is not by our human wisdom, but by God’s wisdom. It not by our own knowledge, but by the knowledge of the Holy Spirit given to us.

It is only God can lead people to repentance and change their hearts. But He will use each of us – you and me – to go and tell them this Good News!

This can be hard. For this kind of ministry can be tough and we can be rejected, but important. Their lives mean a lot to God. He wants them to repent and walk away from their old lives. He wants them to walk in the truth, not just knowing the truth. He loves them too.

Let’s not forget them in our prayer today. Ask God that they may come to see His face, seek repentance and run back to His loving arms.


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Missional Women

Prayer, Where It All Starts


Always be one of my 1000 gifts every day that I am able to read God’s word in my heart language! We’re still waiting for the completion the whole Bible. But there are about 200 million people who speaks over 2000 languages are still waiting to have 1 verse of God’s word in their heart languages.

Today’s HelloMornings reading is from Acts 11:1-30, It’s all begins with prayer. In the whole passage Peter explain to the Apostles in Jerusalem what had happened and why he ate with Cornelius, the Gentiles (Acts 10:4) that is because the Angel of God had appeared to both of them at the same time, different places.

Pe degar itu, tu orang-orang Yahudi yang percaya pa Yesus so nyada se sala pa Petrus. Dorang puji pa Tuhan Allah kong ba bilang, “Jadi, orang-orang bukang Yahudi lei Tuhan Allah so kase kesempatan for bertobat supaya dorang bole dapa hidup kekal.” (Kisah Para Rasul 11:18, Manadonese)

Ketika mereka mendengar hal itu, mereka menjadi tenang, lalu memuliakan Allah, katanya “Jadi kepada bangsa-bangsa lain juga Allah mengaruniakan pertobatan yang memimpin kepada hidup.” (Kisah Para Rasul 11:18, Terjemahan Baru)

When others heart about this, they stopped objecting and began praising God. They said, “We can see that God has also given the Gentiles the privilege of repenting of their sins and receiving eternal life.” (Acts 11:18, NTL)  

This happened because Cornelius were praying and God heard him. God gave Peter a mission to go and reached out Cornelius and his households. God changed Peter’s perspective of sharing the Good News not only to the Jews but also to the Gentiles. God showed Peter that what God knew Peter would understand the best.

This is one of the prayer I have been praying for since I went to a small village in East Borneo, Indonesia. A group of people who speak the language I couldn’t understand and cannot speak. They do not understand Indonesian at all because there is no school at all there. Nothing. They were left behind. God showed me the way I could understand best what He wants me to see. He showed me the needs. He changed my perspective and motive to go back to school and finished my study. God leads people because He hears others prayer. He hears the people calling out to Him.

Would you be the answer today to end this Bible Poverty? How about start with praying?

Would you join me in prayer asking God to send more workers like the Apostles in the book of Acts to go translating, preaching and teaching God’s Word to them?

Would you pray for us asking God to open doors & provides the needs for us to go to SEA*?

THANK YOU for saying “Yes, I will be praying.” God is listening and will answer all your prayers according to His will and His glory in Jesus Christ!

The Sovereign Lord Is My Strength

Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord!

I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.

(Habakuk 3:17-19)


PRAY FOR INDONESIA & MANADO (picture credit)

Catastrophic flooding in Manado, North Sulawesi on January 15, 2014 has left many Christians in the area with out Bibles. One of the news reported at least 13 people got killed and thousands left with no homes. It was so devastated. I saw lots of pictures sent to me from my family and relatives that truly made me so sad.

PLEASE BE PRAYING for them as they recovering from the flood, they need a lot of helps and prayers. Ask God to send more helps for them. And ask God to strengthen them and give the families who lost their loved ones peace and knowing that God is faithful.

My husband and I were thinking what can we to help from here beside prayer. I am making cards for a while and thinking that I can raise some money by selling these cards for donations to help the believers there replace their copies of God’s Word. An Indonesian Bible costs only $6 – $8. All donations will be sent to Bible Translation Center in Manado and they will distribute the Bibles to the people.

Please visit my Album Here to see the card sets I am selling for this fund raising and you also can visit my Etsy Shop to buy cards.

If you feel led by God to donate monetary directly, you can go to this link to for donation – http://personal.thegulletts.info/

THANK YOU so much for all your prayers and supports for the people of Manado! I truly appreciate it and thank God for you!