by dhoernsch.
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The Kluet people is one of the 39 unengaged unreached people groups in Indonesia. They live in Aceh Province, North Sumatera, northern part of the country. The population is about 50,000 people. They language they speak is called Batak-Alas Kluet.
The Kluet people are 100% Muslim, but the traditional animistic beliefs have not totally disappeared and often have significant impact. This can be seen in their daily lives, especially in special ceremonies. Many Kluet are afraid of evil spirits. They believe that one of the graves in their area has magical powers. The Kluet say that this grave can be seen at certain times while at other times it disappears. They use magic charms so that evil spirits will not hurt them. These charms help them feel calmer and more protected.
The Kluet do not place much value in education. Modern agricultural tools and methods would help keep them from feeling left behind and threatened by outsiders who come to their area. Medical assistance is greatly needed due to an increase in malaria and dengue fever as well as poor nutrition. Financial investment is very much needed.
How can we pray for them?
Pray that God will call the people who are willing and equipped to go and workers to show them the love of Christ and tell them the good news.
Pray for an emerging Kluet Church.
Pray for Bible Translation project will be started for these people. Having the Bible translated into the local language is an important resource for reaching an unreached people group. The written word in their own language adds validity and acceptance to the message, as well as making it more available.
Pray that God will use the most effective ways to send His message to the people.
(source: Joshua Project, Prayerguard & Global Prayer Digest)
When we were attending a mission conference back in March 2013, we were blessed to meet with people from Indonesia where they serve God among the Unreached People Groups. They shared encouraging testimonies what God has been doing in the country, also they shared the needs to go reaching out these people. This burden’s my husband’s and my hearts. We know God has put this country in our hearts.
We pray one day we can go and serve the Almighty God, share His Good News with the people and even live among them to share His love and become the light God wants us to be.
I have been posting Focus UPG on every Tuesday (I missed some Tuesdays, sorry!) but starting today, I would like to start focusing on those Unreached People Groups that never been served and have no Bibles at all in their languages.
Please join in me in prayer for them! We all know well in our hearts that God will listen to our prayers for the lost, because He cares for them and He loves them as much as He loves us, too!
Today Focus Unengaged Unreached People Group is the People of Aneuk Jamee. They are part of Aceh cluster. They live in the island of Sumatra. Its population is about 65,000 people. Their main belief is Islam (99.90%). There are only about 0.10% Christians. They need the Bible in their language. In 1996 they received their first NT.
The Aneuk Jamee are found in the southern part of the western coastline of Aceh province on the island of Sumatera. They tend to live around the small bays and on the low plains hemmed in by the Bukit Barisan mountain range. These areas are primarily in West Aceh Regency in the four districts of Tapak Tuan, Samadua, Sawang and Labuhan Haji. Smaller numbers of Aneuk Jamee live in South Aceh Regency in the three districts of Johan Pahlawan, Kaway XVI and Kuala. One group of Aneuk Jamee calling themselves the Ba’apo live farther south in Simpang Kiri District, Singkil Regency. The name Aneuk Jamee in the Aceh language means “offspring of guests” or “newcomer”. The name refers to Minangkabau people from the Lubuk Sikaping, Pariaman, Rao and Pasaman areas farther south who began migrating to the area in the 17th century. Gradually, they settled among the Aceh people in the area, a process facilitated by a common Islamic faith. Eventually, they came to feel that they were neither Aceh nor Minangkabau but rather a new people group with their own distinct culture and language. The Aneuk Jamee language is called Jamee or Jamu. The Aceh in southern Aceh can understand this Jamee language because the Minangkabau vocabulary that is part of their language is similar to the national language. However, most Aneuk Jamee do not understand or use the Aceh language.
They are one of the least reached people groups and the need of people to come and share the Good News with them is urgent. They don’t have any local churches. (source Joshua Project).
How we can pray for them today:
(source: Prayer Guard)
Who they are:
The Asilulu live on the island of Ambon in the villages of Asilulu and Ureng, in the district of Leihitu, Central Maluku Regency, in the province of Maluku. The provinces of North Maluku and Maluku were created from the province of Maluku in 1999. Transportation to the Asilulu area is available both by land and by sea. General transportation is available several times a day to the city of Ambon. The Maluku Islands, historically called the Spice Islands, are a string of over one thousand islands scattered over the eastern portion of Indonesia. They include most of the islands between Sulawesi and New Guinea and between Timor and the Philippines. The Asilulu language is one of the original languages of the island of Ambon and is spoken by people who reside on the west coast. The people in the village of Negri Lima speak a very similar, but different, language sometimes known as Henalima. Historically, the Asilulu language was a trade language for this region, and even now it is not unusual to meet a person from a neighboring island, such as Seram, who can speak the Asilulu language.
The Asilulu are Muslims. As such, they believe they will be judged based on their knowledge of the Qur’an, as well as what they did with their lives. The Asilulu have syncretized Islam with their traditional beliefs. They mix traditional cultural practices and Islamic teachings in many of their events, such as weddings, circumcisions, royal inaugurations, and building of mosques (mesjid).
How we can pray for them today:
(source: Joshua Project and Prayer Guard)
Who are they?
What language do they speak?
What are their beliefs?
Do they have a Bible in their language?
How can we pray for them?
(Resources: Joshua Project and PrayerGuard.net)