New Identity


We finished our HelloMornings Week 2 study. This week study an eye-opening for me. I don’t know how many times I have read this Ephesians 1:1-14, or heard someone preached about it, or I shared about it to others at a small group meetings, but this week God showed more deeper understanding of who I am, who we are in Christ Jesus when we trust in Him and follow Him.

One word that pop up to me every time I read this passage every day is PREDESTINE, in another word decided in advance.

he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will (Ephesians 1:5, ESV)

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. (Ephasians 1:5, NLT)

God has predestined us to be His children! Isn’t that an amazing truth to know that He has in planned since the beginning to make us His children, be part of His family? That’s the truth I wanna know and remember forever.

Knowing that God decided to choose me to be his child secures me. That truth gives me freedom. He is my Father! What could be more amazing than having the Best Dad ever, the One who has the power over everything, the One who controls everything?

He renew our lives. Through Jesus, His only Son, he forgave us, redeemed us and gave us new life in Jesus. We have new identity in Christ.

We are who we are in Christ now because of God’s grace and will. We are not who we were in the past or what people say about us. For a long time, I lived believing who I was under certain circumstances and what people told me who I was. I often asked my friends this question, “who do you think I am? what do you think I can do?” That because I didn’t have Jesus and the truth. That because I didn’t have self-image and didn’t feel secure. I lived to only make people to like me. That was temporary.

When I read this passage on my NLT Life Application Bible Study, these truths reveals who we are in Christ when we come to believe and trust in Him:

  • We are blessed with every spiritual blessings from heaven (Ephesians 1:3).
  • We are holy and found without fault (Ephesians 1:4).
  • We are adopted as God’s children (Ephesians 1:5,6).
  • We are redeemed and forgiven from our sins (Ephesians 1:7).
  • We are brought under Christ’s authority. He controls everything. (Ephesians 1:10,11)
  • We are identified as belonging to God by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13).



I hope today, God will show you more of Him and give you wisdom to understand who you are in Him. I pray and ask God to continue enlighten your hearts and mine with His Holy Spirit as we read and search His word.

I link up this post at HelloMornings blog. Over there you will find lots of amazing ladies who link up their posts that will bless you! And if you would like to check out on the Bible Study that we are doing for this season, check it out here.

God Made It Fruitful


We are back from our 18 days trip to Texas and Oklahoma (8/2 – 8/20). At the end of this trip we are tired, but most of all we are thankful for what God has done in those 18 days. We asked all of our prayer partners to pray for God would make this trip glorifying His name and fruitful, safe trip, meeting people, have good relationships, and good health for all of us. And He answered the prayers! He made it fruitful!

Here are some of the highlights of the trip:

  • Time with family (Helen’s cousin and his family). We also spent some times just us as family.
  • Declare Conference (I blog about it tomorrow), where I met some of my friends in REAL LIFE who I first time met online (Twitter, Facebook, Blogging group).
  • Visiting 1 church in Richardson, TX and 2 churches in Houston, TX.
  • Sharing about the needs of Bible Translation works in South East Asia at 2 home meetings in Houston, TX.
  • YouVersion 100 Million Celebration at Live Church TV in Edmond, OK where we met some of the volunteers for the translation team, the coordinator and the director.
  • Sharing about the needs of Bible Translation works in Southeast Asia at Canyon Creek Baptist Sunday School classes and their Elementary students and teachers at the Academy morning assembly.

We did have busy schedule on this trip but one thing that we know well in our hearts that it is all God, because of God and at the end all the glory is for God alone.

He made it happened. He made it fruitful.


Writing In Action #2

Screen Shot 2013-07-22 at 6.46.25 AM“Why do I want to write?”

I’ve been thinking this question for over a week.

But I am still thinking about it. I wrote down some reasons, revised it again and again.

I came up with these 4 reasons: to testify, to encourage, to motivate and to mobilize.

That is why I have a blog. That is why I am improving my writing skill. That is why I am here.

Denise says in her book that there is no wrong answers to that questions and our reasons why we write blog might be change later.

But for now… Those are my reasons. I pray God wil lead me as I write, give me wisdom what to write and understanding how He wants me to testify, to encourage, to motivate and to mobilize.