Something New Each Day


God is so AWESOME! I went with my cell group coordinator to one of our cell group meetings in the afternoon. It was only couple blocks from my house.

At that meeting, there were 2 ladies who were Buddhists. They came to the meeting because the lady of the house invited them. The younger lady told us that she wanted to know who Jesus was, what Jesus could do, and she asked for healing prayer.

My cell leader was leading the cell group tonight. She started with an illustration how God cleansed our sins through Jesus who has died on the cross.

Then I led them into worship and praising God by singing a song and then prayed for the real discussion of the Word of GOD. We discussed about Faith from James 2:14-26. After heard the explanation, we divided the big group into a small groups.

Men are in one group, women are in one group, I was with a teenage girl. In the small groups, we discussed more specific about what is faith and why we have to act based on our faith in Jesus. Those two new ladies, FINALLY, after listening to the discussion and explanation of the Word of God, the younger lady told us that she felt something while we were singing praising God. She felt that something in her heart. And then they gave their lives to Jesus and made His as their Lord in their lives. HALLELUJAH!

God always make me so excited to serve Him. In my small group, just the teenage girl and I, it was an opportunity to share with her what God has been doing in my life and how God has been teaching me to give thanks to God though in my hard times and problems. I thank God for all my dark years and for all what God taught me to trust in Him and experienced His love. Through that all, God provide the answers for all her questions tonight. She was afraid to walk in her faith but after the sharing, God put the boldness in her live to move on in faith and trust God for her future. WOW! I just never imagine that God would work like tonight…
He has something new each day to teach us to be closer and deeper in love with Him! I know well that all the problems and the ways out from God always will be answers to others whom one day we will meet and share the Love and How mighty our Lord Jesus Christ! The girl, at the end, understood why God was leading her into this circumstances and what God was teaching her to get through them. She also had the joy in her heart and learned to thank God for all the good and the bad times… Isn’t our God so amazing?!

He always has something new each day for us to learn how deep and great His love and how unlimited His power to touch the world! All glory and honor and praises unto the LORD of lords!

Blessed to be blessings!








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