Focus UPG: Wolio of Indonesia

Map source: Copyright © IPN – Indonesian People Network. Used with permission.

Who are they?

  • The Wolio (also known as the Baubau, Buton or Butung) primarily live on the island of Buton, around the city of Baubau, but can also be found on Muna, located in the SE Sulawesi province. Their ancestors were immigrants from Johor, Malaysia at the beginning of the 15th century, who also founded the Buton dynasty. In 1540, the sixth king became a follower of Islam. He reshaped the kingdom to become a sultanate and set himself up as the first sultan. The sultanate of Buton lasted until the death of the last sultan in 1960. With his death, the Buton sultanate ended its formal reign, though the influence of Buton is still felt throughout all of the islands in the region. The Wolio are at the heart of the culture of Buton. Buton today is known for its production of asphalt and is currently being explored for oil and other minerals. Many people have moved to other islands to find work. At present, some Wolio people live in the areas of Maluku and Papua.

What language do they speak?

  • They speak the Wolio language, which is from the Wotu-Wolio language cluster that includes the following languages: Kalao, Laiyolo, Kamaru, Wotu. Arabic is also understood by some and its script is used in religious writings and older written materials in the Wolio language.

What do they believe?

  • Almost all Wolio have beliefs centered in Sufi Islam. According to their teachings, they practice mediation in order to receive visions from God, or to find hidden truths far beyond their own reasoning. Belief in reincarnation is also adhered to as a result of Hindu influence. They also believe that evil spirits cause illnesses to occur while helpful spirits give guidance.

Do they have Bible or partial of the Bible, or other materials?

  • No.

How can we pray for them?

  • Ask God to give wisdom and strategies to the workers to gain access and favor among the people group. Workers need the wisdom of God to navigate cultural, political and religious issues.
  • Ask God to touch the people’s hearts and give them hunger for Him and His word.
  • Ask God to reveal the culture keys.

(Resources: Prayerguard and Joshua Project.)

Whom Shall Go?

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for  us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” ~ Isaiah 6:8

The same answer I gave to God in 2006 and still be my prayer until today, “Lord, her I am, send me to go to these people.” That’s my prayer for my husband and daughters, too. We go to serve God as family among a nation in Southeast Asia. These are the why: these people are still waiting for God’s word to be available in languages they understand best in their heart, they have been waiting for too long. I was there, living among them for a short period of time only, God revealed to me and the team His heart and desire for these people groups. He wants them to know Him, to have His words and for them to come and worship Him only! (*is not the real name of the place) God used the trips to open my eyes to see the needs and to change my heart and my desire to serve Him. There are more that I have ever imagined!

Wycliffe Australia and Kartidaya Vision Trip 2005

Wycliffe Australia 2005 to Central K-Island*

Wycliffe Discovery Trip 2006 to South K-Island*

Wycliffe USA Discovery Trip 2006 to South K-Island*

Wycliffe Discovery Trip 2007 - The Capital J City*

Wycliffe USA Discovery Trip 2007 – The Capital J City*

Wycliffe USA Discovery Trip 2008 - Central Day* Island

Wycliffe USA Discovery Trip 2008 – Central Day* Island

Literacy and Multi Education Survey in 3 villages in Central K-Island*

Literacy and Multi Education Survey in 3 villages in Central K-Island*

And in 2007 I had given an opportunity to participate in a literacy survey program hosted by one of Wycliffe’s strategic organization in the country, SIL, to go and collect data from the people in 3 villages and from that data we collected were used to determine whether these people will need God’s word, level of how literate the people, will they need literacy program, what language do they can speak and do they understand the national language or not, etc. So many elements that support Bible Translation work, it cannot be done alone. It needs a team.

We need YOU! Yes, together we can end the Bible poverty in around the world!

How you can get involved? You are welcome to visit these sites to find out and pray about how God can use you in ways He calls you to:

The Seed Company

Wycliffe Bible Translators



The Road to Transformation from Wycliffe USA

Translation teams exercise great care in the rigorous and complicated process to translate God’s Word into a language that doesn’t yet have it. Watch an overview of the tasks involved, and learn how each project presents unique challenges and incredible rewards. Learn more here.

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Love Like Jesus

When I wrote 1 John 3:16-17 today in 3 languages I speak, I am thinking and praying for those 209 million people speak about 1,967 languages, who do not have one single verse in the languages they understand best (source: Wycliffe Global Alliance). There are about 400 languages spoken by at least 190 million people in the country we will be going in South East Asia.
Today we can end the Bible poverty by praying and get involved with the Bible Translation movement around the world by partnering with Wycliffe Bible TranslatorsThe Seed Company and their sister organizations. You can join us in #WritetheWord movement every Wednesday hosting by The Seed Company to raise the awarness of the need of Bible Translations for the Bibleless People Groups in the world.
  • Write God’s word on your journal,or maybe the verses from your daily Bible Study
  • Take a picture of it
  • Post and share your picture on Instagram, or Pinterest, or Facebook, or Twitter, pretty much on every social media you might have.
  • Add hashtag #WritetheWord and #EndBiblePoverty, when you tweet it and while you are there follow @theseedcompany, also follow them on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest.
  • Go to The Seed Company Blog and add your Instagram picture link there.


All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, o LORD; they will bring glory to your name. (Psalms 86:9)

1,967 Languages More To Go

In 2012 Wycliffe reaches the milestone in Bible Transations! There are about 2,075 Scripture translations are in progress and only 1,967 languages that still need Bible Translation projects started by 2025! Find out the story and the latest statistic here.

“This is really a God thing because we couldn’t do it on our own. These figures represent the work of many other agencies as well as the Church worldwide,” Wyclyffe Bible Translators COO Russ Hersman told CBN News (Click here to read about it).

There’s nothing impossible for our mighty God!

Bringing God’s Word to The Vidunda People

A year ago Lara Williams and Katie Orr launched Savoring Living Water and soon after set a goal to fund 104 verse for the Vidunda people, through OneVerse.
They are about 16 verses away ($410) from their goal, and they are praying they can meet it all in one day, TODAY!
Here are the details:
We all have the Bible in our hands in various English versions and even on our smart phones. We have access to the Word of the Living God at any time we can and anywhere we go. Please pray for the Vidunda people, who are waiting for the Word of God available in their heart language. And you can be part of God’s amazing plan, to bring the Word of God to these people. They have waited too long!
Thank you and Be blessed!