I Know What Poverty Is

Pictures taken by all Wycliffe Discovery Teams (2006-2008)

Bible poverty is a devastating problem hitting people around the world. It is more than 340 million people. That’s nearly one-third of the world’s language groups that do not have one verse of the Scripture in the language that they understand the best in their heart. In a previous post of mine here, I discussed a movement working to end Bible poverty, with organizations and actions that can make a big difference in people’s lives – spiritually, physically, economically and culturally. How having the Word of God can chane every aspect of our life, community and the whole world.

I know what poverty is. I know the feeling being hungry and have nothing to eat. I know how desperate people feel when they need something but they cannot afford to get it. I know, because I’ve been there, my family has been there and I used to live in a country where I can see poverty every where I went, every single day. I’ve seen these people only sleep under the Flyovers, Bridges, sleeping on a piece of cardboard at the sidewalk, or if they can they build a shelter out of cardboard. They are hungry, cold and try hard to find something to eat. I’ve seen kids digging in a trash can just for a food. I’ve seen a mother would take her baby and sing on a bus just to get some cash to buy her baby food. How could I ever forget those faces?

It’s not a fair life for them. It’s injustice. It’s not what God wants to see. It’s not what we wanna see.

If you ask them what would make their life better, they would say a good job, more money, able to go to school and food. That would help them feel better – think that having all of what they desire would give them a better life. Even though they would get every single thing they want, they are still going to lose their souls, Jesus said in Mark 8:36-38. They need God’s word, they need to know that they have eternal life with Christ. They need to know that above all, they need Jesus Christ, who can change their life, spiritually and physically.

End Bible Poverty Now



End Bible Poverty is a movement to end the Bible poverty, with a vision and mission to translate God’s word into EVERY LANGUAGE in the world. Visit the organization website and find out more how to get involve and how to join this movement.

OneVerse is a program of The Seed Company that enables you to support local Bible translators as they make God’s message available in the language of their people

Wycliffe Bible Translators has a vision to see the Bible accessible to all people in the language they understand the best. Wycliffe also focuses on community development, literacy development and Church partnerships. Read more about their vision, mission and work here.

SIL International serves language communities worldwide, building their capacity for sustainable language development, by means of research, translation, training and material development. Find more about this organization vision, mission, goals and works here.

Merry Christmas To You All

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IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE ALREADY!! It seems that the year has just gone by so fast, yet so many things are still on our To-Do lis.

December is not just the end of the year, but it’s the month to get ready for the new beginning, getting ready to step into the New Year! Are you ready? In our every day busyness, we easily get distracted by whatever we are doing and forget the most import an thing of Christmas. I hope, each of us will have time to meditate on the true and real meaning of this big celebration that we all preparing.

It is all about CHRIST. He is the reason of this season, the light that we need to step into 2012, the lamp that shines our path, the one and only guidance we need, the Savior who can save our souls, the reason we live.

Many things have happened in our life, and we are so thankful that with the strength, grace, mercy and favor from God through our Lord Jesus Christ, we are enable to get through all the challenges in 2011. He is faithful and everlasting God!

In September 2011, we had our first interview through Skype call with Wycliffe Recruiter Personnel. Later in October 2011, we started our Application progress and it is still in the progress now. If accepted, then we will go to the Wycliffe HQ office in Orlando, FL, for the 2 weeks – EQUIP Camp in April 2012. Please do pray for this process that we are going through, pray for God’s provision and help. We will give you more updates on this process later.

For about 10 months the local church that we have been going didn’t have a pastor. Struggling in frustration but all trust the Lord to send the right one to pastor and disciple His own people at Grace Baptist Church, Minford. God truly worked in each member’s heart while waiting for His answer. Last month, we received God’s answer! He sent Rob McKinney to be our new Pastor. Last week, God provided them a house just couple houses away from the church. This is an amazing answer and miracle for us. They will move into their new house on December 28th and we will have the first Sunday Service together on January 1, 2012! What a wonderful way to start the year!

A Way Better Gift

World Vision child sponsorship establishes stability for the present and hope for the future, providing benefits not just to a single child, but to an entire family and community.

When children have access to basics like nutritious food, clean water, healthcare, education, safe shelter, and extra support during emergencies, they’re able to grow up to become healthy, productive adults who realize their God-given potential and can become advocates for their communities.

Sponsor a child today and help make this Christmas a memorable one for a boy or girl in need — or, if you’re already a sponsor, consider extending your love and support to another child.

You can also make a one-time gift to our Sponsorship Ministry Fund, which helps meet the needs of children who are still waiting for sponsors and helps World Vision respond to emergencies that occur in sponsorship communities.

Resource: World Vision