They Are Waiting

Scripture exists in almost 2700 of the 6837 languages currently known to be in use.

At least 4.8 billion people have a Bible available in their first language. A further 595 million people have the New Testament (but only some, if any, of the Old Testament).

Work is in progress for many of the communities who have none of God’s Word in their language or insufficient Scripture. Current estimates suggest around 350 million people speaking 2040 languages may have a need for Bible translation to begin.

Today, over 100 organisations from more than 60 nations form the Wycliffe Global Alliance. Since the first Wycliffe organisation began in 1942, people from these organisations, working alongside local communities, have assisted in the translation of 781 complete New Testaments and 27 complete Bibles, potentially impacting around 145 million people speaking 749 languages.

(resource and read more HERE)


BT & Culture Preservation

Cultural identity is strengthened and preserved through Bible translation

Translated Scripture is not the only benefit from a Bible translation program. Language assessment and development, literacy work, and the production of print and audio/visual materials in the local language—all parts of the Bible translation process—provide a number of community benefits.

One benefit is cultural preservation. When an alphabet is created for a minority people group, and their language is developed, speakers of the language have the tools for survival—a way to preserve their culture. Their history can be written and therefore documented. A dictionary and other books can be produced. Their ethnic identity can grow as they gain more confidence interacting with other people groups. And their written language can be recognized by their country’s government and speakers of majority languages.

  • Pray for speakers of the world’s minority languages who do not yet have a writing system. Ask God to call people from these language communities, and those who can partner with them to begin translation projects that lead to changed lives and the ability to preserve their cultures.

Please Take a moment to watch this short video about the preservation of cultures as an effect of Bible translation.

Resource: Wycliffe Pray Today Blog

Introduction To Indonesian Language and Culture

Recently I made friend with a girl whom I met on Wycliffe Next Generation community website. She asked some questions about Indonesia because she will be moving there with her family soon for ministry. I remember some of the books that my husband got for himself in getting ready to go to Indonesia.

In your getting to know and preparation to go overseas (short term or long term), one thing among the others things on your preparation list is learning basic language and culture of the country. So here I would like to suggest you books that you can use to prepare your self and get some taste of Indonesian.

First book is Basic Indonesian, An Introduction Coursebook. You can try to order online from Barnes and Noble bookstore where we got it for my husband to learn Indonesian. This book comes with a Audio CD which will be helpful for you to listen and practice the pronunciation.

Injil dan Budaya

Pada hari ke-4 dalam 40 Hari Mengasihi Bangsa Dalam Doa ini, kita belajar bahwa hubungan antara Injil dan Budaya. Kedua elemen ini tidak dapat dipisahkan. Dalam kehidupan seseorang, kemanapun dia pergi, atau dimanapun dia tinggal, budaya pribadi tidak dapat dipisahkan. Budaya dapat dikembangkan mungkin, tapi ditidak dapat dirubah.

Cara hidup seseorang dipengaruhi oleh budayanya sendiri. Tuhan menciptakan budaya dan menjadikan bagian hidup manusia ciptaan-Nya untuk menghormati dan menyembah-Nya, sebagai Sang Pencipta, tetapi karen korupsi dosa dalam hidup manusia, budaya pun tercemar dan dibengkokkan oleh pengaruh Iblis. Tapi Allah tidak kalah akal, Allah menyediakan jalan untuk menembus manusia, termasuk budaya, lewat pengorbanan Kristus di Kayu Salib. Rencana Allah adalah segala suku, budaya, bahasa, dan bahasa akan berdiri di hadapan tahta-Nya yang kudus untuk menyembah-Nya.