For the whole week, I read the story of Joseph as part of my HelloMornings devotional, Abounding Hope. This week I learned a lot from Joseph. How he became the favorite son of Jacob until he found favor before Pharaoh. It is all God and His plan alone since the beginning of his life that gave a huge impact to the life of Israelites and Egyptians at the end.
God gave him dreams that he couldn’t understand the meaning, the dreams that caused his brothers hated him so much. Even they planned to kill him because of their hatred. But God who had planned everything, worked in and through his brothers to bless his chosen people.
There are several things I learned from the story of Joseph:
- God is the one who gives dreams.
- God is the one who will give the wisdom to understand the dream he gave.
- God is the one who will be with us faithfully, to walk it through.
- God’s dream = God’s way to solve it.
- God who makes the plan, he will reveals it to us and give us the strategies to do it.
- God gives favor in our lives and bless whatever we do for He is with us.
- God is the one who gets the credit at the end. He is the one who gets the glory and praise.
Jesus said that we do nothing without Him. It is only in Him and his Word lives in us that we can do His will in our lives (John 15:1-8). It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit works in us, we can live glorifying and serving God.
The story of Joseph: end of everything is God’s rescue plan for his people is never ever fail.
God can used Joseph’s difficult times to bring freedom for the whole nation. He used Joseph to bless his people. God also can use your hardship to bless you, your family, your friends, and even your country. His plan will never fail in your life. Though now it seems that it is impossible, but our God is the God of possible.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. ~ Romans 8:28
I pray today for you that God will give you wisdom to understand His dreams given to you, to understand what He wants you to do and to live your calling. I pray for you that God’s favor and blessings in your life.