I’ve been sick for about 2 weeks now and I had no energy of doing anything, even sitting up or playing with my girl. I had no appetite for any food. Totally, I was so weak, tired and discouraged, spiritually and physically.
Today, I can sit up a little bit, checking e-mails and writing this short post.
I’ve been thinking since last night how I was suffering physically that really paralyzed me for the whole 2 weeks. When I laid down, in my heart I cried to God, my one and only true healer, to heal me and to strengthen me. Meditating God’s words was and is the only way to give me hope and faith in Christ Jesus, to know well in my heart that God is here with me and healing me.
I cannot imagine how suffering we are when we do not have Jesus. Our spirit is dying. Without Jesus and God’s word, we will have no hope at all. Without God’s spirit living in us and giving life to us, we actually physically and spiritually sick. We only need ONE HEALER, that is Jesus Christ and through Jesus Christ we are healed and renewed.
Do you need The Healer today?