Bible Journaling: HelloMornings Week 2

Bible Journaling HelloMornings Week 2 | Relentless Study | #hellomornings #RelentlessStudy #biblejournaling #journalingbible #illustratedfaith #bibleartjournaling

We made it through HelloMornings Study Week 2 study on the book of Judges. This week I learned who God is through how He revealed Himself to the people of Israel through the people He sent to save them.

I studied God’s word together with a group of amazing ladies on one of HelloMornings Facebook groups. I join HelloMorning study since 3,5 years ago. And God has been teaching me to trust in Him completely in my walking with Him and He stretching my faith through circumstances we got through as family and personal life.

I learned this week is that God wants us to know Him personally and not only know about Him. He reveals Himself clearly through all His creations around us.

And He promises us to walk with us personally and be with us in any circumstances we go through, that He will give us the rest we need and everything will be fine for us. For He himself walk with us. Yes, there are circumstances we had gone through, or maybe we are now in the situation where we cannot see His presence or even not receiving the answeres to our prayers, know this well that God himself promise to us that He is with us. He is God.

Here are the my Bible journaling pages of the Word of God I studied this week 2:

Romans 1:22-24


Proverbs 3:11-12


Exodus 33:14


Judges 3:15a


Psalms 91:9-10


I am so thankful for what He taught me this week, thankful for the ways how He revealed Himself to me, and thankful the promises He gave to me. And I am looking forward to new things God will teach me and new revelations of who He is in the next week.

I pray God reveals Himself to you also in ways that you can understand and gain knowledge of who He is so that you also can worship Him with all your heart, mind and strength.

God bless you abundantly!

He’ll Give Us The Rest We Need

Exodus 33:14 | | #hellomornings #illustratedfaith #godtime #journalingbible #biblejournaling #writetheword

Exodus 33:14 | Supplies: ESV Journaling Bible, Pearlesscent Watercolor, Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens, CTMH Hello Life Scrapbooking Stamp Set, CTMH Ink Pads, CTMH Acrylix Block, CTMH Craft Heater, Wink Of Stella Clear Glitter Brush.

I love the version from NLT says that God would go personally with Moses. In the Study Bible, it explains that literally God was saying that would go with him face to face, Moses would continue experiencing God’s presence like he always did.

The LORD replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses,

and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.”

(Exodus 33:!4, NLT)

And God’s promised to him to give him rest, a place to stay and in peace.

But Moses dis not ask for God presence for himself only, he begged God to show Himself to the people of Israel too so that they also would experience His presence in the journey to the Promise Land.

I learn today that to be in His presence all the time is the only way to gain true peace, knowing that with Him everything will be fine for us in our journey. He is with us personally in each step we have to make every day.

That is not easy to do but we can pray and ask for His wisdom and understanding of Him and of what He’s doing in our lives in this season, we can pray asking for Him to reveal His presence to us all the time in every circumstance. His Holy Spirit does not only rest upon temporarily on us like he did to the judges but His Holy Spirit is dwelling in us forever since the beginning we follow and trust Jesus. His Holy Spirit will give us peace and rest we need at all time. All we need to do is ask without doubt, then God will give to us.

Exodus 33:14 | | #illustratedfaith #hellomornings #writetheword #biblejournaling #journalingbible

Exodus 33:14 | Supplies: ESV Journaling Bible, Pearlesscent Watercolor, Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens, CTMH Hello Life Scrapbooking Stamp Set, CTMH Ink Pads, CTMH Acrylix Block, CTMH Craft Heater, Wink Of Stella Clear Glitter Brush.

I am thankful for the truth and encouragement I received from today’s reading of His word. May God bless you today and give you rest you need when you cling on him and abide in Him.


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Bible Art Journaling Challenge Community – Week 35

Inspire Me Monday Week 191

Merciful God

God is merciful. That is the truth.

It is also human nature and how easy we can see in the Bible how they went back to their old life style even though God had driven out them of their old land to live in the land God had promised to them. I see this happens to us too. To me.

How easy I can feel discourage and disappointed when what I got from others was not what I expected from them. Or when I was stressful I easily yelled at my daughters who made mistakes instead of telling them gracefully.

I went back to my “old habit” even I fought so hard to not to be like that.

I fell off the wagon.

But God is strong enpugh to pick me up because He is merciful. It is because God is God, loving God, God of grace.

This is why I need Him every single second, moment in my life to live to be a child, to be a wife, to be a mom and to be a friend to others.

This is why though now I live in the new life in Jesus Christ, but my flesh is week. I need His power and desire to do what pleases My Heavenly Father’s heart every day.

This is why He never stop showing us His mercy and grace repeatedly. Oh what a wonderful God!

God bless your weekend friends!


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Faith Filled Friday

Missional Women

Friendship Friday Blog Party week 187

Illustrated Faith: Practice These Things, And the God of Peace will Be With You

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
– Philippians 4:4-9.

Philippians 4:4-9

I did a journal on this passage last year and today I read this passage again, I learned more things from God. Yes, He can speak again to me, teach me His truth and reveal who He is to me from the very same passage. I learn today that do not skip the portion you have read because God might wanna teach you something new of Him & His commands for us to live.

Philippians 4:4-9

On the page, I used Gelatos sticks to highlight the verses and added some water for watercolor effect. Oh please be careful with adding water on Bible pages, do not too much coz it will wrinkle your page, I dubbed the extra water off the page using paper towel. Using Gelato for the first time got me nervous to add it on my page but after seeing the result, I love Gelato! 🙂

Philippians 4:4-9

On a piece of watercolor paper and using watercolor paint, I wrote the title of journal. I love using Aqua brushes, they are so easy to use. And then I added some of the Pearl Watercolor paints all over the page and on the title to give some glittery looking. When it’s completely dry, I wrote the journal using Fine Tip Sharpie.

Philippians 4:4-9

Then last step I added the watercolor journaling card on the page using washi tape at the top of the journaling card so that I can still read the verses.

Thankful for the Illustrated Faith 2: Faith and Strength class and the instructor at Big Picture Classes. It’s a blessing for me to learn and dig deeper in this way.

Philippians 4:4-9

Love Him Is To Love Others

Since we came back from our trip, my heart longs for something. Something that refresh me. Something that stir my heart to love God. Something that will keep the fire burning my heart on the trip and still burning me to serve Him.

This one phrase came into my mind: God is love.

I opened my Bible, search for the verses about God and love. John wrote in his letters, 1 John 3 and 4 are full of truth of God and instructions to love like He has loved us. I learned so much about God and his unconditional love for us and others this last couple of days.

In these two chapters God teach us to love Him is to love one another. Pure and real love only come from God alone. He gives us the ability to love because He is love. He is the one who lives in us and we are in Him, then our love will grow perfectly.

His love we saw in Indonesia. His love is for the people is real. We want to love these people. We want them to know God’s love for them that much. We want them to know that He changes lives, that He has better plan for them, that He sent His only begotten Son to redeem them back from the death, too.

God is the only one who fill our hearts with His love and plans. He calls us to go because of love.

Before I came to know Jesus and His perfect love for me and the world, I lived in angry and hatred. I was angry because I was born as Chinese – Indonesian, looked different that the locals. I hated them because they called me names when I was in High School just because I was different and not Muslim. I told myself that I could be nice to them, but never ever to love them.

To be able love them now it is only because God has changed my heart, gave me new heart and new life only in Christ Jesus. He is the only reason. But if we say we love God and do not love our brothers and sisters, then we lie to ourselves and to others.

We only can love others genuinely it is because God give us His unconditional love.

It is because God is love. I learn that to know Him is simply open your Bible, read, meditate and He’ll speak personally to you.