Don’t Be Afraid and Don’t Be Silent

Every time I read the book of Acts, God teaches me different things from the same book, He is unlimited source of knowledge and wisdom! He speaks differently to His children to meet their needs. Isn’t He the amazing Father?

God knew how to speak to the people Paul visited. He knew their hearts and how they would react to the truth that Paul shared with them. He knew that they would reject and oppose Paul and the message. But God had prepared Paul for all of these, he said to Paul clearly,

“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent! For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.” (‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭18‬:‭9-10 NLT)

We all can read the result after that. Paul extended his staying for another 1,5 year just to continue preaching and teaching God’s word among the people.

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This portion of passage speak a lot to me this morning that there are many Christians here and in my home country have heard about Jesus, the Messiah, but they have no idea that they only know “about” Him, not knowing Him personally. We are sent to share the Gospel not only to those who have not yet heard of the Good News, but to those also who have heard but have not yet having relationship with the Father.

I grew up in a small where you can literally see a church in every one mile! But watching their every day life that did not show what they told others about Jesus or what the Bible says. They just tried to get people to go to church, but not never leading them to understanding that they need to repent and leave their old life style and have relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ.

As a non-Christian, I though, well then if they lived like that, what’s wrong with my life style? I could just go to church and not changing my life so people could see the outside.

That was sad. Sad because I got the wrong ideas of what being a Christian is. Sad because there was no one came to me and taught me the truth. Sad because I had to wait for 21 years of my life to finally came to know the giver of my life who loves me so much and even gave His so that I may come to life. Sad.

But this is truth I read in Acts 18 this morning confirmed what God has put in my husband’s heart and mine that we need to go to preach and teach the truth not only to the people who never heard of it but also to those who have heard of it but not yet understand the truth. It is not by our human wisdom, but by God’s wisdom. It not by our own knowledge, but by the knowledge of the Holy Spirit given to us.

It is only God can lead people to repentance and change their hearts. But He will use each of us – you and me – to go and tell them this Good News!

This can be hard. For this kind of ministry can be tough and we can be rejected, but important. Their lives mean a lot to God. He wants them to repent and walk away from their old lives. He wants them to walk in the truth, not just knowing the truth. He loves them too.

Let’s not forget them in our prayer today. Ask God that they may come to see His face, seek repentance and run back to His loving arms.


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Missional Women

Under God’s Mighty Hands

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 5:6-11)

These are the truth, great reminder and practical instruction of how we, as Jesus’ followers and believers, should live out our lives. And God’s promise of deliverance when we submit to Him and His Lordship and mighty hands.

Humble ourselves. Why? The answer is simple. It is because we are just human, made out of dust. We are nothing out of Him. I am nothing without Jesus. I thought I could do things then I failed. Often I forget that He is the one that I need be He has created me and to do what He has called me to do as a wife to my husband, a mother to my daughters, a daughter to my parents, a sister to my younger sisters, a friend to my friends, or just to be someone out there to those who are in need.

Humbling myself under God’s mighty hand is not as easy as I read in it in the Bible. Real life example, happened many times, was when I carried all my problem and worried to much. The moment I took my anxieties on myself, that very moment, I put God aside. Nothing I gained by being worry and carry every load on my on.

Jesus invites everyone who has burden to come to Him and He ask us to give Him our own burdens. How’s that for a help comes from the Lord? This kind of help we cannot find in this world.

God’s mighty hands are there for us. We just need to humble ourselves.

Humbling ourselves under His mighty hands leads to victorious life. That’s the promise in 1 Peter 5:7-11. When He has given His promises, He won’t let it fail (Isaiah 55:11).

So… would you humble yourself under His mighty hand today?

My prayer for us today that The Holy Spirit will help us and give us the desire in our hearts to enter His presence with humble hearts and seeking Him to have intimate fellowship with the Father.


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Five Minute Friday

Missional Women

Five Minute Friday: Close

Five Minute Friday

Close. That’s the prompt word for this week Five Minute Friday hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. She is one amazing God’s woman who encourages a lot of women to write something using the prompt word every Friday she provided. Just write in 5 minutes and you will be surprise what will flow out of your heart. Check out this week link ups on Lisa-Jo’s blog and be encouraged!


I have been missing the moment to be close with my parents. Be close to them in person. Honestly, after being away from them for over 6 years, I am still have the need to be close with them. Though I am thankful for Skype where we can chat and see each other. But it is just different.

This is not a choice. Not a decision to make.

But I am here with my husband and 2 daughters. God provides wonderful families and friends.

After 6 years, I learned different meaning for “close.”

Close it doesn’t have to be in person.

Close it doesn’t have mean distance.

Close means though they are far, but they are always there in my heart and mind.

Close means I can see through my faith that God is in there.

Close means dependence on His presence.

Close means being with Him.


Jesus is All


12 years ago I was not only felt defeated but mire likely defeated by the devil because I didn’t have Jesus as my Lord, Savior, Advocate, Friend and Defender. I didn’t have God’s powerful sword, His word in my life, mind and heart. My parents lost their business, we lost everything. I had to leave my school and all my friends left me because I didn’t have money to go out with them. The devil put in my mind that I didn’t have future any more, it was my parents’ fault that I was miserable, that I would never make it. I was done. Yes, I was defeated!

But now I have Jesus! I have God’s word! Every day in the languages I can understand I can read God’s living word and knowing the truth that Jesus is enough.

When I need to be saved and rescued, Jesus is my Savior and Rescuerer.
When I need guidance and direction, Jesus is my Lord who leads, guides and directs me to His way of truth.
When I need a refuge, Jesus is my Strong tower.
When I am in a spiritual war with the devil, Jesus is Defender.
When I am lonely, Jesus is my one true Friend.
When I cannot pray and need someone to stand between me and The Holy God, I have my Lord Jesus as my faithful Advocate before God for me and others.

When I read God’s word, I can understand the truth that I have future! Future that God has planned ahead for me. I am secured in Him no matter what.

For this I am forever thankful to God, my Father!

We are now in a situation where we depend on God that He will provide our every day needs for family and ministry here in States and later on the mission field. He give us hope and faith in the Son of God! He who call us is faithful!

Are you in a situation where you feel defeated today? You are not alone, The Son of God is with you to help, rescue, and defend you. Come to Jesus!

Holy Week – Day 7

Jesus is the resurrection and the life. the one who believes in Him will live even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. to download the artwork, please click on the picture or <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Feel free to share with your family and friends.

to download the artwork, please click on the picture or here

Jawab Yesus: “Akulah kebangkitan dan hidup;

barangsiapa percaya kepada-Ku, ia akan hidup walaupun ia sudah mati,

dan setiap orang yang hidup dan yang percaya kepada-Ku, tidak akan mati selama-lamanya.

Percayakah engkau akan hal ini?”

(Yohanes 11:25-26)