Holy Week – Day 6

Romans 5:8 - Feel free to share with you friends and families - to download the artwork, please click on the picture or <a href="http://blog.youversion.com/vod/" target="_blank">here</a>

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Akan tetapi Allah menunjukkan kasih-Nya kepada kita,

oleh karena Kristus telah mati untuk kita,

ketika kita masih berdosa.

(Roma 5:8)

Holy Week – Day 5

He carried everything on him and died on the cross so that this world may have hope.

He carries everything on him and died on the cross so that those who believe in Him shall be healed and shall live forever with Him.

What a promise! This is why we call today as Good Friday.

It is Jesus and what he had done on the cross.

He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities... to download the artwork, please click on the picture or <a href="http://blog.youversion.com/vod/" target="_blank">here</a>

to download the artwork, please click on the picture or here

Tetapi dia tertikam oleh karena pemberontakan kita, dia diremukkan oleh karena kejahatan kita;

ganjaran yang mendatangkan keselamatan bagi kita ditimpakan kepadanya,

dan oleh bilur-bilurnya kita menjadi sembuh.

(Yesaya 53:5)

Holy Week – Day 4

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and give life. (Download custom artwork of Verse of The Day - YouVersion HERE. Feel free to share these encouraging God's Word with others on your social media).

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“sama seperti Anak Manusia datang bukan untuk dilayani,

melainkan untuk melayani

dan untuk memberikan nyawa-Nya

menjadi tebusan bagi banyak orang.”

(Matius 20:28)

Holy Week – Day 3


to download the artwork please click on the picture or here

Sebab Allah mengutus Anak-Nya ke dalam dunia bukan untuk menghakimi dunia,

melainkan untuk menyelamatkannya oleh Dia.

(Yohanes 3:17)

Holy Week – Day 2

Download custom artwork of Verse of The Day - YouVersion HERE. Feel free to share these encouraging God's Word with others on your social media

To download the artwork, please click on the picture or here.

Ia akan meniadakan maut untuk seterusnya;

dan Tuhan ALLAH akan menghapuskan air mata

dari pada segala muka;

dan aib umat-Nya akan dijauhkan-Nya

dari seluruh bumi, sebab Tuhan telah mengatakannya.

(Yesaya 15:8)