Friday Word: By Faith

Many times I told people that I lived by faith in doing God’s will in my life. But did I really understand what it means living by faith? Have I really been living by faith?

For several days this words keep bothering my heart, not in a negative way, but in a way that I feel that God is trying to tell me something. And yes, He did!

As I read the verse over and over again, thinking of it, praying using it, God reveals to me that to live by faith is not the day when we in need of something, not only on days when we live depend on financial supports we receive every month, but living by faith starts since the day I say, “Dear Lord Jesus, be the Savior, King and Lord of my life.”

Living by faith is how we walk following Christ since the very first day we have new life in Christ.
Living by faith is when we trust in His word and live it out.
Live by faith is all about Christ, the One we trust but we haven’t seen Him, but knowing well in our heart that we will see Him face to face on the day He comes again in His glory.
Living by faith is not about we depend on God for what we need but it is more that what God wants to do with our lives, yes, He is also the providers in our lives.

Living by faith is to set our eyes on Jesus only as we walk in obedience to His Lordship in our lives.

*How do you know that you live by faith?*

Accountability = Growing and Moving Forward


Participating in HelloMornings Challenge since last Summer has been a great blessing in my life. This winter challenge is my second time and God has used the godly friends in my group to grow together in our faith and love for God. I am learning to know God more and to have hope in Him. God has been revealing to me His way of truth when I am with Him in His word and prayer.

But I also want you to experience God and His presence.

Would you join me in the Summer Challenge?

Oh what is HelloMornings Challenge?

The HelloMornings challenge was birthed several years back out of a desire to provide encouragement and accountability for those pursuing the life-changing habit of getting up early. Through Facebook or Twitter, accountability groups check in with one another throughout the week and encourage one another in their early-morning goals. (HelloMornings)


In the Summer Challenge, we will learn from the book of John for 13 weeks Bible Study, meeting and knowing Jesus Christ, our Lord.

This coming Summer Challenge registration begins on April 26th. Mark your calendar, setup a reminder so you won’t miss it! 🙂 You can check it out here for more detail.

For you have joined in the past HelloMornings challenges, would you pray and ask God if it is His time for you to move forward to be an AC? We need more ACs for Summer Challenge. God has sent more and more participants and we are growing for His glory! If you feel like God’s leading you to be an AC, and you would like to know more about what AC is and the expectations are, please go here and read the important notes there.

Join us and let’s grow in knowing Jesus together!

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all of you, my friends!

Jesus is alive in his glory! Let’s celebrate and tell the whole world about Him so they also be saved, trust in Him, have hope and rejoice in Christ, the Savior, Lord and King.

Then Jesus said, “When I was with you before, I told you that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms must be fulfilled.”
Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.
And he said, “Yes, it was written long ago that the Messiah would suffer and die and rise from the dead on the third day. It was also written that this message would be proclaimed in the authority of his name to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem: ‘There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent.’ You are witnesses of all these things. “And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”
(Luke 24:44-49)

Easter Story for Kids

easter2013Today my husband and I were given an opportunity to share about the impact of Bible Translation led to the life changing in Christ with a group of kids at our children church. He found a story, Jesus is Alive, related to Easter and Bible Translation at Wycliffe’s blog post. It is free to download here, included a recipe of empty-tomb rolls for Easter Morning.

The story about a boy named Nard, a Pilipino boy, who came to know Christ and became a missionary pilot.

A translator, Dick, went to his village to share the Good News about Jesus to him and the people in his village in Philippines. When Nard met Dick, he was a boy who could not read or write, he was know as trouble maker. Dick asked for Nard’s help to teach him his language, Isnag. After years of learning and translating, Dick finally finished the book of Mark. And Nard could read and write at that time, too. It was time for Dick to go on furlough and he gave Nard a copy of the translated book of Mark in his language. He told Nard to read it while he was away.

Nard’s life was changed after reading the story of Jesus. His eyes were opened and his heart was touched by the Holy Spirit when he came to understand the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion  and resurrection.

When the Word of God translated in the language of the people can understand the best in their heart, the power of God’s word will work in their hearts and Holy Spirit will lead them into the salvation. For they can understand complete what God says to them. For they can see the truth clearly. For they can grow in their faith when they keep reading and studying the Word of God in their own language. Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Romans that the power of God’s word can safe anybody who believes (Romans 1:16-17). That is the truth.

Would you join us to bring the gospel to over 290 million people who speak about 1,967 languages in the world through prayer? Would you be partners of Wycliffe to get this big task done?

Check out HERE to know more about Wycliffe and to find out how you can get involved in God’d mission work through Wycliffe.


Jesus came to save and to bring freedom to those who believes in Him.