Some Mother’s Day Cards

I hope you all had fabulous Mother’s Day last week! I had a very special Mother’s Day this year. An Indonesian church in Columbus, OH, invited us and asked me to share God’s word with them on Saturday and Sunday of Mother’s Day. I am blessed beyond measure! We all felt His presence with us, blessing us with His love, grace, promises and power.


Moms, God is love and He loves us unconditionally! By His grace and love, He enables me to be the mom to my daughters and wife to my husband. I am thankful every single day I can be there for them, serve them and love them. They are the one who make me feel special every day!


Couple weeks ago I made some cards to send out to some family and friends. Here are some of the cards I made using Close To My Heart products I have:

Mother's Day Cards by Helen G. | #handmadecard #cardmaking #diy #closetomyheart #ctmh

Mother's Day Cards by Helen G. | #handmadecard #cardmaking #diy #closetomyheart #ctmh

Mother's Day Cards by Helen G. | #handmadecard #cardmaking #diy #closetomyheart #ctmh

Mother's Day Cards by Helen G. | #handmadecard #cardmaking #diy #closetomyheart #ctmh

Mother's Day Cards by Helen G. | #handmadecard #cardmaking #diy #closetomyheart #ctmh

Mother's Day Cards by Helen G. | #handmadecard #cardmaking #diy #closetomyheart #ctmh

Mother's Day Cards by Helen G. | #handmadecard #cardmaking #diy #closetomyheart #ctmh

THANK YOU so much for stopping by today! Have a wonderful week!

Supply list:

White Daisy Cardstock (1385)

Dream Pop Paper Collection (retired)

Holiday Tags (D1560)

Remarkable Wreath (C1473)

A Mother’s Love (B1447, Hostess Reward Stamp Set, Spring/Summer Idea Book p.8)

Exclusive Inks Stamp Pads: Cotton Candy, Pear, Topiary, Gypsy, Smoothie, Hollyhock, Blush, Black, Dessert Sand

Exclusive Inks Markers: Pear

Sparkles Clear Assortment (Z1752)

Durable Triangle Studs (Z1928)

Pearl Assortment (retired)

Tombow Adhesive (1514)

3D Foam Tape (Z1151)

Scallop Border Punch (Z1851)

Corner Rounder (Z1912)

Hot Pink & Pink Baker’s Twine (Pick Your Plum)

Wink Of Stella Clear Glitter Brush (Amazon)


I link up these cards at

Inspire Me Monday Week 124

Creative Spark Link Party #2


Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop #76


100th Mother’s Day Anniversary and DIY Gift Ideas


Do you know that this year is the 100th Mother’s Day Anniversary? Here’s what I found about Mother’s Day on Wikipedia:

The modern American holiday of Mother’s Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in Grafton, West Virginia. Her campaign to make “Mother’s Day” a recognized holiday in the United States began in 1905, the year her beloved mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, died. Anna’s mission was to honor her own mother by continuing work she had started and to set aside a day to honor mothers, “the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world.” Anna’s mother, Ann Jarvis, was a peace activist who had cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the Civil War and created Mother’s Day Work Clubs to address public health issues.

Due to the campaign efforts of Anna Jarvis, several states officially recognized Mother’s Day, the first in 1910 being West Virginia, Jarvis’ home state. In 1914 Woodrow Wilson signed the proclamation creating Mother’s Day, the second Sunday in May, as a national holiday to honor mothers. In a thank-you note to Wilson, Jarvis wrote of a “great Home Day of our country for sons and daughters to honor their mothers and fathers and homes in a way that will perpetuate family ties and give emphasis to true home life.” Jarvis became critical, however, of the commercialization of the day.

To celebrate this special day this year, we didn’t buy any gifts for my husband’s mom and grandma, we made them. Here’s what we made for them:

Sunflower Topiary

Celebrating 100th Mother's Day Anniversary & DIY Gifts| #diy #silhouetteamerica #silhouettecameo #papercrafting #giftideas #mothersday #silhouettechallenges

I used my Silhouette Cameo to create this sunflower topiary gift. The cutting file I used is 3D Sunflower Round Topiary from Jamie Cripps collection. On Jamie’s blog, she has the tutorial how to put this topiary together. The papers I used is Dream Pop (retired), White Daisy and Topiary cardstock from Close To My Heart. For the green grass I cut gift bag wrapping paper I had in stash from Christmas 🙂

The second gift is 3D Paper Tulip with burlap wrapped bottle vase:

Celebrating 100th Mother's Day Anniversary & DIY Gifts| #diy #silhouetteamerica #silhouettecameo #papercrafting #giftideas #mothersday #silhouettechallenges

For this one I used 3D Tulip from Lori Whitlock collection. I tell you, this is the easiest tulip flowers I ever made! All you need to make this flower are:

  • Silhouette Cameo, cutting file, cutting mat, and blade.
  • Cardstocks: White Daisy, Gypsy, Cotton Candy
  • Burlap
  • Glass bottle (I repurposed sweet tea glass bottle)
  • Gardening sticks (I found a pack at AC Moore). You also can use dowel or flower wire and wrap it with flower tape.
  • Glue Gun (or strong glue)

To make the tulips is very easy, cut the shapes, fold the pieces in half and glue them to it’s neighbor. Then insert the stick/dowel  and glue them with glue gun. I skip the leaves.

And for the vase, I wrapped the layers of burlaps using glue gun starting from the bottom and worked my way up to the top.

Hope you have the best Mother’s Day ever!!!

I Am Doing 31 Days Too!

It is already Day 7 of the 31 Days… I almost forgot to share with you all that I AM DOING IT, too! It is over my crafting blog HERE.

Autumn is here already. We have halloween and Thanksgiving coming up.

Winter is following it. Then we are be having fun preparation for Christmas and New Year.

Over my crafting blog, I have been sharing what we did for 31 Days of creating memories, gifts and decoration joyfully.

I hope you will visit my crafty blog and will enjoy it, too! I’ll see you there!


made with Picmonkey.

Get What You Wish For and Supporting HelloMornings

HelloMornings has this amazing Thirty-One Outlet Sale only for TWO DAYS: Thursday (7/18) and it ends on Saturday 9/20) at 3 a.m. Check out the sale here. This is the time you can get what you wish for and stock up for gifts! And…. here’s at HelloMorning blog, you can enter a giveway to get this cool Hot Pink Large Utility Tote with “Fun On The Run” embroidered on it! You go there and leave a comment on the post, that easy 😀



DIY Father’s Day Gift for the #1 Papa

It is actually not a last minute gift, just a little bit late because of my sickness. And be honest, not until last Saturday, I still had no idea what would be a great gift for Dave this year. Totally didn’t have time to search online, nor went to go to store.

It was about a week ago, Abigail painted a rainbow for her Papa. So I thought that it would be a great gift for him. And then on Saturday we went to an outlet store called Ollie’s in Huntington, WV just to check it out what they had. Then I saw this kind of frame (actually for a graduation gift) that sort of like a craft / scrapbooking frame. Then an idea came up in my mind what I would like to make for Father’s Day gift for our special Papa.

Finally, today I got it done.

What is your gift idea for Father’s day? You can share and comment here 😀