Merciful God

God is merciful. That is the truth.

It is also human nature and how easy we can see in the Bible how they went back to their old life style even though God had driven out them of their old land to live in the land God had promised to them. I see this happens to us too. To me.

How easy I can feel discourage and disappointed when what I got from others was not what I expected from them. Or when I was stressful I easily yelled at my daughters who made mistakes instead of telling them gracefully.

I went back to my “old habit” even I fought so hard to not to be like that.

I fell off the wagon.

But God is strong enpugh to pick me up because He is merciful. It is because God is God, loving God, God of grace.

This is why I need Him every single second, moment in my life to live to be a child, to be a wife, to be a mom and to be a friend to others.

This is why though now I live in the new life in Jesus Christ, but my flesh is week. I need His power and desire to do what pleases My Heavenly Father’s heart every day.

This is why He never stop showing us His mercy and grace repeatedly. Oh what a wonderful God!

God bless your weekend friends!


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Faith Filled Friday

Missional Women

Friendship Friday Blog Party week 187

Psalm 16:5

Psalm 16:5 | #RelentlessStudy #HelloMornings #Godismine #digitaldoodling #digitalhandwriting #madewithpaperbyfiftythree #madewithpencilbyfiftythree #fiftythree #createanywhere

LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. (Psalms 16:5)

This is the Psalm of David. He sang to the LORD what was in his heart. He sang who God was for Him. He declared what God has done and what He would do for him and his people, Israel.

This is the same song I sing this morning declaring the God is mine.

He is my portion.

He is my only inheritance.

He is my cup of blessings.

And only God who can fill my cup overflowing.

I am so thankful for the study I have been doing with HelloMornings group since 3 years ago. The ladies at my group bless me. They are my accountability to overcome my weakness.

He is working in everyone’s life to change them to be like him. And yes, He is working in my life for real through this group of ladies at HelloMornings.

We just started our first week of six-week study in the book of Judges. If you are looking for accountability, group to study God’s word together and grow together, you can CLICK HERE to know more about HelloMornings and to register.

HelloMornings Fruitful Affliction Week 2 Recap

This week I learned that God is everything!

We can read all about Him in the Bible.

We can taste His goodness in our lives every single moment.

We can see His works in and through our lives when the moment we walk in His ways and in obedience to Jesus’ lordship.

The Bible tells us all about Him, who He is.

God is love.

God is our faith perfector.

God is the hope.

God is everything that we need.

May you find Him when you seek Him.

Blessings to you all on this weekend and coming week!

HelloMornings Fruitful Affliction Week 1 Recap

We search for wisdom to find ways how to live and to make decision every day. People search for wisdom from any sources they can find. But the true wisdom and knowledge are only come from God and fear of Him.

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ NLT)

The whole Bible is God’s word, the only source give to us by God alone so that we know who He is, fear Him, find wisdom and knowledge, and live according to His direction.

The whole Scriptures appoint us only to one person. Jesus.

God’s grace shown to us is amazing! He never holds back to be gracious to us. But those who show proud to themselves, they directly say that they do not need God in their lives, that they can do anything by their own power.

His word is useful to correct us, to teach us and to equip us to do what He has planned for each of us since the beginning of creation.

His word correct us our wrong doings, humble us to see that we cannoy do anything to be righteous unless through Christ.

His word teach us eveything God wants us to know. Holy Spirit will reveals the whole truth of God to us when we live in Him and by His power.

And the word of God is the most powerful equipment we ever need to live, to serve and to work the good work for Him.

May God bless you this week and walk humbly under His grace and love so that others may come to know who God is.

Blessings to you sll!

HelloMornings & Art Bible Journaling

New week. New hope. New adventure. Today I start our new challenge and Bible study with my HelloMornings Facebook group. If you are looking for a community of Christian women to study and grow together, you might wanna check HelloMornings groups. They have Facebook groups, Twitter groups, Instagram Groups, and Special groups. You can choose which one the best fit for you.

If you want to study individually, you can buy the Bible Study book, you can buy it here without need to join any groups. But I love the accountability in a group, help us to keep focus.

This is a 6-weeks Study. We focus on God, Move and Plan. One day at a time to maximize your mornings. This season start from May 4 through June 12. We are studying from the life of Joseph. We will dig into God’s word to learn who God is, His commands to live by and promises for His children.

My goal this season is to maximize my mornings to pray, study, journaling, exercises and making plan for the day. I fell off the wagon for a while but it is only by God’s grace and his strength given to us to start again.

In the last couple of months, I am doing art journaling Bible. It is a way we can express our worship to God through art and creativity.

This I named a basket of spiritual blessings. All I need to dig into God’s word and journaling the truth & promises. In my large plastic basket:

  • ESV Journaling Bible
  • Bible Study material (or you can find lots of Bible Study plans on YouVersion website or the Bible App)
  • Journaling pens (Steadlert, Micron & Sharpies are my favorites now)
  • Markers (Sharpies & ekTools are my favorite now)
  • Color pencils
  • Paint brushes & Aqua brushes
  • Watercolor paints
  • Wink of Stella clear glitter brush (can’t create without it!)
  • Stamps: CTMH My Acrylix stamp sets, clear stamp sets, wood rubber stamps, date stamps, etc.
  • Stamping blocks
  • Ink pad edgers (in a big muslin bag)
  • Washi tapes (in the plastic container)
  • Alpha: stickers, burlap stickers, cork stickers, chipboard stickers, etc.
  • Scissors, tags, eraser, etc. (small muslin bag)
  • Glue Pen & Adhesive runner

I often find my inspirations from others at Journaling Bible Facebook Group and also from Illustrated Faith blog.

If you are on Instagram, or Pinterest, or Facebook, or any other Social Medias, here are some hashtags you can follow to get some inspirations on art Bible journaling: #biblejournaling #journalingbible #illustratedfaith

My prayer that He will continue give us the desire to wake up in the morning for Him, that He will give us the power to do what please Him through our plans of the day.
So, do you journal your Bible Study? How do you organize your Bible journaling and supplies? Share with us your ideas 😊