Tuesday Thought: Seeking The Immanuel


God is with us here on earth, every single day, every single moment. He sent Jesus, His Sone, whom we called him Immanuel to be with us. Seeking the Immanuel is only through reading the Bible, His living word.

This is the first week I start the HelloMornings new session challenge. We are studying from the book of Matthew for the next 6 weeks. I got the HelloMornings Power Pack, this is packed with a lot of resources for my God Time, Plan Time and Move Time. Kat Lee, from Inspired To Action, did a podcast about what HelloMornings is all about. You can click here to listen to the podcast and to check out her awesome blog!

To do the study every morning, I love reading His word from couple different versions of the Bible, Indonesian and English. One of my favorite English Bible versions is ESV, the other one is NLT (New Living Translation). Couple years ago my husband got me ESV Journaling Bible as Christmas present 🙂 I like this Bible because it has extra space on each side of the page for journaling. This where I can jot down anything comes up when I read the passage right away. You can grab one of this amazing Journaling Bible from Amazon.

And a couple of months ago, my friend, invited me to join Journaling Bible Community on Facebook. Oh my! I was surprised with this community! These ladies who LOVE God’s word know how to express their loves through art and craft. They encourage each other through sharing the Word. I am so thankful for my friend and for this new community.

BothHelloMornings andJournaling Bible Community are 2 communities where God has put me there to be encouraged by others to encourage others.

Check them out and see if any of these communities fit for you 🙂

Prayer, Where It All Starts


Always be one of my 1000 gifts every day that I am able to read God’s word in my heart language! We’re still waiting for the completion the whole Bible. But there are about 200 million people who speaks over 2000 languages are still waiting to have 1 verse of God’s word in their heart languages.

Today’s HelloMornings reading is from Acts 11:1-30, It’s all begins with prayer. In the whole passage Peter explain to the Apostles in Jerusalem what had happened and why he ate with Cornelius, the Gentiles (Acts 10:4) that is because the Angel of God had appeared to both of them at the same time, different places.

Pe degar itu, tu orang-orang Yahudi yang percaya pa Yesus so nyada se sala pa Petrus. Dorang puji pa Tuhan Allah kong ba bilang, “Jadi, orang-orang bukang Yahudi lei Tuhan Allah so kase kesempatan for bertobat supaya dorang bole dapa hidup kekal.” (Kisah Para Rasul 11:18, Manadonese)

Ketika mereka mendengar hal itu, mereka menjadi tenang, lalu memuliakan Allah, katanya “Jadi kepada bangsa-bangsa lain juga Allah mengaruniakan pertobatan yang memimpin kepada hidup.” (Kisah Para Rasul 11:18, Terjemahan Baru)

When others heart about this, they stopped objecting and began praising God. They said, “We can see that God has also given the Gentiles the privilege of repenting of their sins and receiving eternal life.” (Acts 11:18, NTL)  

This happened because Cornelius were praying and God heard him. God gave Peter a mission to go and reached out Cornelius and his households. God changed Peter’s perspective of sharing the Good News not only to the Jews but also to the Gentiles. God showed Peter that what God knew Peter would understand the best.

This is one of the prayer I have been praying for since I went to a small village in East Borneo, Indonesia. A group of people who speak the language I couldn’t understand and cannot speak. They do not understand Indonesian at all because there is no school at all there. Nothing. They were left behind. God showed me the way I could understand best what He wants me to see. He showed me the needs. He changed my perspective and motive to go back to school and finished my study. God leads people because He hears others prayer. He hears the people calling out to Him.

Would you be the answer today to end this Bible Poverty? How about start with praying?

Would you join me in prayer asking God to send more workers like the Apostles in the book of Acts to go translating, preaching and teaching God’s Word to them?

Would you pray for us asking God to open doors & provides the needs for us to go to SEA*?

THANK YOU for saying “Yes, I will be praying.” God is listening and will answer all your prayers according to His will and His glory in Jesus Christ!

Jesus is All


12 years ago I was not only felt defeated but mire likely defeated by the devil because I didn’t have Jesus as my Lord, Savior, Advocate, Friend and Defender. I didn’t have God’s powerful sword, His word in my life, mind and heart. My parents lost their business, we lost everything. I had to leave my school and all my friends left me because I didn’t have money to go out with them. The devil put in my mind that I didn’t have future any more, it was my parents’ fault that I was miserable, that I would never make it. I was done. Yes, I was defeated!

But now I have Jesus! I have God’s word! Every day in the languages I can understand I can read God’s living word and knowing the truth that Jesus is enough.

When I need to be saved and rescued, Jesus is my Savior and Rescuerer.
When I need guidance and direction, Jesus is my Lord who leads, guides and directs me to His way of truth.
When I need a refuge, Jesus is my Strong tower.
When I am in a spiritual war with the devil, Jesus is Defender.
When I am lonely, Jesus is my one true Friend.
When I cannot pray and need someone to stand between me and The Holy God, I have my Lord Jesus as my faithful Advocate before God for me and others.

When I read God’s word, I can understand the truth that I have future! Future that God has planned ahead for me. I am secured in Him no matter what.

For this I am forever thankful to God, my Father!

We are now in a situation where we depend on God that He will provide our every day needs for family and ministry here in States and later on the mission field. He give us hope and faith in the Son of God! He who call us is faithful!

Are you in a situation where you feel defeated today? You are not alone, The Son of God is with you to help, rescue, and defend you. Come to Jesus!

HelloMornings Winter 2014

HelloMornings Winter 2014 Challenge is still open! You still have time to register HERE to join us. You can pick your group that suits you and together we will study the truth in the book of Ruth.

This challenge, Lara and Katie share with us new method of study they wrote in this study book when we digging into the book of Ruth together. This study book will be FREE when you register as HelloMornings participants.

Register here today!

Take Refuge, 6 week-Bible Study, Seeing our Trustworthy God in the story of Ruth, is now available for purchase at QuenchBible.com. The study is also now available for Kindle on Amazon, and will be coming soon to Nook!

Are you new to HelloMornings Challenge? Find the answers here:

It will be my fifth season to do this challenge with HelloMornings and I only can say that God has been using it and the group of ladies in Twitter group (first 2 challenges) and Facebook Group (the last 2 challenges) to speak to me personally, bless me, strengthen me, and the study help me to know my God and to love Him deeper! I was a night owl, but now I am turning into early riser. I have more time to read God’s word and speak to Him in prayer. I have time to plan my day. And I am planning to get moving more this challenge.

I am so excited to start this challenge again with the ladies God has brought to our Facebook Group this season! Will I see you there too?

Remain in Christ = Unity with God

In the last few days, this verses from John 15:1-8 fill my heart and mind… Jesus said,

“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.

 But if you remain in me and my words remain in you…

That phase speaks loud to me. Nothing that Jesus wants more from all of us, who follow Him and trust in Him, is simply to remain in Him and His words remain in us. In other word, we stay in Jesus and have His words live in and be part of out lives.

Later He says that we may ask for anything we want and it will be granted! This is not about “whatever we want” in our flesh desire, but when we live in Jesus and His words live in us, everything we want is align with God’s will and desire. Because He is working in us with the power of His Word and Holy Spirit. We live by the Holy Spirit and not by flesh. And anything we ask in Jesus’ name that what will be granted to us.

At the end, we will produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit, becoming the true disciples of Jesus and that brings the great glory to God! The goal is to bring the glory for God only!

Remaining in Jesus leads us to live in unity with God. Isn’t that amazing truth? I want to live in unity with God all of my days. One way to remain in Jesus and have His words in us is to read the Bible, memorize the verses and meditate them all day.

When I read the Bible and some verses speak loud to me, I will write them in my small note book, a note card and tape it on the wall right beside my desk, and sometimes even I scrapbook it 🙂 So that I can read it all the time, remind me of God’s promises and His presence, and that is my bread.

Another way is I join HelloMornings challenge. This has been an amazing challenge for me to wake up earlier that anyone in my house, have some time with God in His word and prayer time. I love the to see how God speak through all the lades in my group and WOW… always get a surprise encouragement from them every single day! I am so thankful! There will be a new challenge this coming February! And I hope you all can join us and be blessed!


I found this these free Bible verse quotes downloadable desktop background at Meat Me In The Meadow blog yesterday.

640x400_ThisDay 640x400_ThroughPrayer 640x400_WaitingTimes 640x480_InHisHands


Aren’t they beautiful? You can go and download them HERE and have God’s word always on your screen every time you turn your computer on. This is just one of many ways to have God’s word alive around you, that you can read all the time….

So, share with us, how do you have God’s word in you every day?