This year, our Easter week was different than last year. The Little Girl now can get involved with some activities we did as family.
They made some crafts with papers, paint and crayons. I love seeing how they pour out their hearts and love of art in creative ways. Watching them doing it is a blessing and bring joy into our lives. Especially when we can do craft together, that is VERY FUN! 🙂
The Big Girl decided to make some “GIANT” paper eggs this year so we can have some Easter decoration. Here she is creating her cool and colorful giant paper eggs:
And the Little Girl always wants to do what her big sister does, just because it is cool 🙂 She grabbed her drawing book and asked me to draw an egg so she can color it.
And she decided that she wanted to draw her own egg. Look at that, isn’t that cute? 😀 But this art did not make it to as decoration because she ended up cutting them up with her scissors just because it was the way she makes art. This girl has a different way for creating arts for sure!
The next day, we painted the fake eggs we got at the store together. This was a fun activity for family. They got their watercolor paints and brushes, cup of water and ready to make a pretty mess!
The Big Girl painted her Easter Eggs in many colors. It was funny when there was no dry spot she could hold the eggs and she started asking me to hold it for her. She has been having some problem with texture since she was a baby, but she is getting way better after going to school 🙂
She ended up holding the wet eggs by herself and finished her project.
And the Little Girl decided to go with natural and and single color: Black and Purple only. She would say the color every time she picked the color and paint her eggs. Yes, many times we heard, “This is black” and “This is purple.”
For her it does not matter her hands got messy and wet, she loves it! 😀
And my husband and I joined them panting the Easter egga for their baskets 🙂 We had so much fun! Here are our eggs this year:
Dave decided to paint his egg with the kid’s watercolor paint. He was planning to make kinda look like rainbow, but ended up with this colors. He found his artsy side!
I went with clean and simple, no watercolor paint. I used Gold Sharpie marker. I simply draw dots all over the egg 😀 and done. LOL!
So, what did you do with your family for fun this past Easter? I would love to know more creative ideas 🙂 THANKS for sharing it with me!