Focus UPG: Aneuk Jamee

When we were attending a mission conference back in March 2013, we were blessed to meet with people from Indonesia where they serve God among the Unreached People Groups. They shared encouraging testimonies what God has been doing in the country, also they shared the needs to go reaching out these people. This burden’s my husband’s and my hearts. We know God has put this country in our hearts.

We pray one day we can go and serve the Almighty God, share His Good News with the people and even live among them to share His love and become the light God wants us to be.

I have been posting Focus UPG on every Tuesday (I missed some Tuesdays, sorry!) but starting today, I would like to start focusing on those Unreached People Groups that never been served and have no Bibles at all in their languages.

Please join in me in prayer for them! We all know well in our hearts that God will listen to our prayers for the lost, because He cares for them and He loves them as much as He loves us, too!

Today Focus Unengaged Unreached People Group is the People of Aneuk Jamee. They are part of Aceh cluster. They live in the island of Sumatra. Its population is about 65,000 people. Their main belief is Islam (99.90%). There are only about 0.10% Christians. They need the Bible in their language. In 1996 they received their first NT.

The Aneuk Jamee are found in the southern part of the western coastline of Aceh province on the island of Sumatera. They tend to live around the small bays and on the low plains hemmed in by the Bukit Barisan mountain range. These areas are primarily in West Aceh Regency in the four districts of Tapak Tuan, Samadua, Sawang and Labuhan Haji. Smaller numbers of Aneuk Jamee live in South Aceh Regency in the three districts of Johan Pahlawan, Kaway XVI and Kuala. One group of Aneuk Jamee calling themselves the Ba’apo live farther south in Simpang Kiri District, Singkil Regency. The name Aneuk Jamee in the Aceh language means “offspring of guests” or “newcomer”. The name refers to Minangkabau people from the Lubuk Sikaping, Pariaman, Rao and Pasaman areas farther south who began migrating to the area in the 17th century. Gradually, they settled among the Aceh people in the area, a process facilitated by a common Islamic faith. Eventually, they came to feel that they were neither Aceh nor Minangkabau but rather a new people group with their own distinct culture and language. The Aneuk Jamee language is called Jamee or Jamu. The Aceh in southern Aceh can understand this Jamee language because the Minangkabau vocabulary that is part of their language is similar to the national language. However, most Aneuk Jamee do not understand or use the Aceh language.

They are one of the least reached people groups and the need of people to come and share the Good News with them is urgent. They don’t have any local churches. (source Joshua Project).

How we can pray for them today:

  • All through human history God has used His angels as messengers, even announcing the birth of Christ to the shepherds. God loves to use His people, but there are times when only an angelic visit will do the job.
  • All ministry effort is vain unless it is anointed by God. When God adds His power to our efforts, then things happen, and hearts are changed.
  • Reaching the unreached is a monumental task. There just aren’t enough individuals to get the word out to everyone. TV and radio can be incredibly powerful mediums for communicating the gospel, because they can penetrate areas where Christian workers may not be able to go.

(source: Prayer Guard)


Focus UPG: Asilulu of Indonesia

Who they are:

The Asilulu live on the island of Ambon in the villages of Asilulu and Ureng, in the district of Leihitu, Central Maluku Regency, in the province of Maluku. The provinces of North Maluku and Maluku were created from the province of Maluku in 1999. Transportation to the Asilulu area is available both by land and by sea. General transportation is available several times a day to the city of Ambon. The Maluku Islands, historically called the Spice Islands, are a string of over one thousand islands scattered over the eastern portion of Indonesia. They include most of the islands between Sulawesi and New Guinea and between Timor and the Philippines. The Asilulu language is one of the original languages of the island of Ambon and is spoken by people who reside on the west coast. The people in the village of Negri Lima speak a very similar, but different, language sometimes known as Henalima. Historically, the Asilulu language was a trade language for this region, and even now it is not unusual to meet a person from a neighboring island, such as Seram, who can speak the Asilulu language.

The Asilulu are Muslims. As such, they believe they will be judged based on their knowledge of the Qur’an, as well as what they did with their lives. The Asilulu have syncretized Islam with their traditional beliefs. They mix traditional cultural practices and Islamic teachings in many of their events, such as weddings, circumcisions, royal inaugurations, and building of mosques (mesjid).

How we can pray for them today:

  • Ask God to give the workers the wisdom of God to navigate cultural, political and religious issues for gaining access and favor among an unreached people group can be very tricky. 
  • In every people group there are fathers who love and provide for their children. They each have something in them that connects with our Father in Heaven. Our prayers can focus the attention of the Holy Spirit on one of these fathers.
  • Ask God to make a way for these people to have their Bible in the language they understand best in their heart. Everyone on the planet has the right to hear the truth of God’s love for them, but many times, Gov. leaders restrict their people from having access to the Gospel. Through prayer we can see this change.

(source: Joshua Project and Prayer Guard)

Focus UPG: Bawean of Indonesia


Who are they?

  • The Bawean homeland is a 200 square kilometer island 120 kilometers north of Surabaya (East Java) in the middle of the Java Sea. Bawean has been known as the “island of women” because the majority of its inhabitants are women. This is because the men tend to look for employment in other lands. A man from Tanjung Ori village who worked for 20 years in Malaysia said, “A Bawean male is not considered an adult until he has stepped on foreign soil.” Merantau (going to distant lands to seek success) is a major aspect of Bawean culture and it influences almost every other facet of their society. A significant number of the Baweanese reside in Malaysia. In fact, the Baweanese population there far exceeds that found on the island itself, which numbers 60,000 inhabitants. Other areas of Baweanese migration include Perth, Australia and Singapore, where they are known as the Boyanese people.

What language do they speak?

  • Linguistically speaking, the Bawean dialect is part of Madura language which also includes the dialects of Bangkalan, Pamekasan, Sampang, Sapudi and Sumenep.

What are their beliefs?

  • Originally the Bawean embraced animistic beliefs. Then Hindu and Buddhist influences entered the island until the 1600’s when the Baweanese people converted to Islam. Their religious devotion is extremely strong and they pride themselves in the fact that 100% of the island’s inhabitants follow Islam. There are many mosques (mesjid), small Islamic prayer houses (musholla) and traditional Islamic schools (pesantren) in every village. Boys and girls from six or seven years of age receive religious instruction including lessons in reciting the Qur’an and sometimes live in the house of a kyai (Islamic teacher). The kyai is greatly respected by the Bawean people.

Do they have a Bible in their language?


How can we pray for them?

  • Words have little meaning, especially in places where physical needs are great. It takes the miraculous to capture the hearts of the people. In places where embracing Christianity means abuse and persecution, believers need to be sure they have accepted the real God. ASK GOD to perform miracles to confirm the Word.
  • In every people group there are leaders who guide the activities of others. They each have something in them that connects with the God of the universe. Our prayers can focus the attention of the Holy Spirit on one of these leaders today. ASK GOD to give revelations of Him to the leaders.
  • Everyone on the planet has the right to hear the truth of God’s love for them, but many times, Gov. leaders restrict their people from having access to the Gospel. Through prayer we can see this change. ASK GOD to remove the oppositions.

(Resources: Joshua Project and

Focus UPG: Wolio of Indonesia

Map source: Copyright © IPN – Indonesian People Network. Used with permission.

Who are they?

  • The Wolio (also known as the Baubau, Buton or Butung) primarily live on the island of Buton, around the city of Baubau, but can also be found on Muna, located in the SE Sulawesi province. Their ancestors were immigrants from Johor, Malaysia at the beginning of the 15th century, who also founded the Buton dynasty. In 1540, the sixth king became a follower of Islam. He reshaped the kingdom to become a sultanate and set himself up as the first sultan. The sultanate of Buton lasted until the death of the last sultan in 1960. With his death, the Buton sultanate ended its formal reign, though the influence of Buton is still felt throughout all of the islands in the region. The Wolio are at the heart of the culture of Buton. Buton today is known for its production of asphalt and is currently being explored for oil and other minerals. Many people have moved to other islands to find work. At present, some Wolio people live in the areas of Maluku and Papua.

What language do they speak?

  • They speak the Wolio language, which is from the Wotu-Wolio language cluster that includes the following languages: Kalao, Laiyolo, Kamaru, Wotu. Arabic is also understood by some and its script is used in religious writings and older written materials in the Wolio language.

What do they believe?

  • Almost all Wolio have beliefs centered in Sufi Islam. According to their teachings, they practice mediation in order to receive visions from God, or to find hidden truths far beyond their own reasoning. Belief in reincarnation is also adhered to as a result of Hindu influence. They also believe that evil spirits cause illnesses to occur while helpful spirits give guidance.

Do they have Bible or partial of the Bible, or other materials?

  • No.

How can we pray for them?

  • Ask God to give wisdom and strategies to the workers to gain access and favor among the people group. Workers need the wisdom of God to navigate cultural, political and religious issues.
  • Ask God to touch the people’s hearts and give them hunger for Him and His word.
  • Ask God to reveal the culture keys.

(Resources: Prayerguard and Joshua Project.)

Focus UPG: Dondo of Indonesia

My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to my name, because my name will be great among the nations,” says the LORD Almighty. (Mal 1:11)

Map source: Copyright © IPN – Indonesian People Network. Used with permission.

Who are they?

The Dondo live in the districts of Baolan, Dondo, Galang and North Dampal in the Toli-Toli regency of Central Sulawesi. They tend to live in groups which are scattered over this entire area. Generally, they prefer to live by the riverbank in the jungle. The population of Dondo is about 16,000 people. They are one the Least and Unreached People Groups in Indonesia.

What language do they speak?

The Dondo speak the language of Dondo. According to the Dondo people themselves, this language is different from the Toli-Toli language. The Dondo language is part of a larger linguistic grouping called the Nothern Tomini subgroup which also includes the Lauje and Tomini languages.

What do they do for living?

Farming, fishing and hunting.

How their lives look like?

The traditional house of the Dondo is built on a raised platform and made from wood, bamboo and rattan. Houses are raised off the ground as high as two meters. The houses are rectangular, roughly five by seven meters. Usually they have only one door and a ladder at the front of the house. Roofing is made from the leaf of the sago palm. In the past, Dondo was a sultanate. The Dondo sultan and his nobles and aides were chosen through their ancestral lines. During those times, there were four classes among the people: royalty, nobility, commoners and slaves. At 16 years old, a Dondo person is considered an adult. This status is symbolized by the young person having his or her teeth filed in a community ceremony. After marriage, the new bride and groom may choose to live with either the husband’s or the wife’s family. According to the Dondo custom, a man may have more than one wife. Divorce is permitted if the couple is no longer compatible. However, the divorce has to be witnessed by a traditional leader (Kapitalau).

What do they believe?

The Dondo have embraced Islam for many generations. However, many Dondo continue to practice animism, especially those who live in the highlands. Historically, the Dondo kept the body of a deceased family member inside a sago palm trunk that had been scraped out. The burial took place in the yard of the family residence and the family members bid farewell to the spirit of the deceased by sleeping around the grave for several days.

Do they have God’s word and resources?


(source and for more detail: Joshua Project)

How can we pray for them?

  • Ask God to send His workers to reach out and share the Good News with the Dondo people.
  • Ask God to prepare their hearts, open their ears and show to them Himself.
  • Ask God to rise up His churches to go and reach out to them.
  • Ask God to open the way and make the way for His workers to go.
  • Ask God to make the way that the people of Dondo will have His word in the language they understand best.
  • Ask God how He wants you and your church can be part of His work to reach out these people.

(More prayer ideas you can visit: Prayerguard)

Thank You for praying for them today!