30 Days Give Thanks: Day 6


Today I am forever thankful for God’s spoken words, His promises in our lives.

God’s spoken word will accomplished ALL He wants it.
God’s word never fail.
God’s spoken word is forever.

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. (‭Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭11‬ NLT)

Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear. (‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭35‬ NLT)

Yes, God’s promises in your lives will be fulfilled. Stand firmly and faithfully on His spoken word. It is your stronghold and rock.

And this is a promise from our God. In His time, the Good News about God’s Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, including in SEA*. Sooner or later, they will hear it.

And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come. (‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭14‬ NLT)

Pray for the churches (you and us) to stand faithfully and firmly to see His Promise fulfilled.

Pray for the nations will be ready to hear The Good News of the Kingdom that is Jesus Christ is the Lord, they will trust in Him, be saved, be baptized and be His witnesses to their own.

Pray for MORE WORKERS, ask God to send His workers to harvest this ripen fields.

Pray for each other that we all will see – hear – obey God’s calling in our lives, to go and preach the Good News to those have not yet heard of it locally and globally.

What’s one of God’s promises that you thank Him for today?

5 Minutes Monday: Semendo People

The Semendo are also often called Semende or Jeme Semendo. The Semendo live in the Semendo Darat Laut, Semendo Darat and Semendo Ulu districts of the Muara Enim regency. They also live in the Buay Sandang Aji, Pulau Beringin and Banding Agung districts of the Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Selatan regency. There are also a few areas in Lampung province that are inhabited by the Semendo such as the Way Tenon and Sumber Jaya districts in the West Lampung regency; Wonosobo, Ulu Belu, Talang Padan and Pulau Panggung districts in the Tanggamus regency; Bukit Kemuning and Tanjung Raja districts in the North Lampung regency; and Banjit and Kasui districts in the Way Kanan regency. The Semendo language is similar to Besemah and Lintang dialects, except the Semende tend to use /e/ at the end of words.

The Semendo have been Muslims for generations. The teachings of Islam are firmly rooted and faithfully followed in their society but they are also tolerant of people of other religions and there have been no religious conflicts in this area. Places of worship, both large and small, as well as Islamic schools are seen everywhere. The Islamic schools have the specific purpose of teaching Semendo boys and girls to spread Islamic teachings in the area (source: Joshua Project)

There are about 246,000 people of Semendo live in this area. They are one of the least-reached people groups. Please pray for them to be able to hear the Good News through people passing through their area. Pray also God will provide any ways to reach these people.

THANK YOU for praying!

5 Minutes Monday: Lintang People

The Lintang, or as they are more commonly known, Lintang Empat Lawang, which is a mixture of the Lintang and Empat Lawang people. The Lintang are also often called the Musi Ulu people and sometimes the abbreviation L4L, from Lintang Empat (four) Lawang, is used. The Lintang live along the left and right forks of the Lintang River in the Lahat regency of South Sumatra province. They primarily live in the Muara Pinang, Lintang Kanan, Pendopo, Tebing Tinggi and Ulu Musi districts. The Lintang can easily understand the Besemah and Semende dialects. They also understand the Lematang, Kikim and Enim dialects. They can understand Palembang Indonesian well. Some characteristic language features include the use of the words nedo, which means ‘no’ or ‘not yet’, ngapo (What is it?) and kelo (wait a minute). The Lintang can communicate well with the Kikim, Besemah and Lematang people but do not understand the Lembak or Saling people. (Source: Joshua Project)

There are about 203,000 people of Lintang population. They are one of those least-reached people groups, has less than 1 % of believers. Please pray that God will send more people to share the Good News with this people in this area. Thank You so much!

5 Minutes Monday: Kikim People

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The Kikim people group live in the Eastern Kikim, Central Kikim, Western Kikim, Tebing Tinggi and Lahat districts in the Lahat regency in South Sumatra province. The Kikim are generally the only people group in the Eastern, Central and Western Kikim districts but there are a few areas with a small number of Javanese as well. In Tebing Tinggi, the Kikim live alongside the Lintang people, Javanese, Sundanese and Saling (Lembak) people. In Lahat, the Kikim live alongside the Lematan people, Javanese and Sundanese. The Kikim can easily understand the Lintang Empat Lawang, Besemah and Semendo dialects, but do not understand the Saling or Lembak dialects. One characteristic of the Kikim dialect is the word ‘lede’, which means “no.” The Kikim are also able to understand the Lematang, Ogan, Enim, Palembang and Belide dialects, among others. However, the Kikim are not able to understand the Komering, Ranau, Daya, Kayu Agung and Aji dialects. (Source: Joshua Project)

Please set aside 5 minutes today to pray for 86,000 people of Kikim. They are least-reached people group. So far they have audio recording of Bible Stories and Jesus Film. Pray for that God’s word will be available for them to read in their heart language. Pray for God is preparing their hearts and sending them His messengers to share the Good News with them.

THANK YOU for praying today!

5 Minutes Monday: Pray In Private

There are many ways we can pray to our Father in heaven. We can pray in a group, or we also can pray in private. What does come in your mind when you read or hear this, “Pray in private?”


“When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. “When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” (Matthew 6:5-8, NLT)

The scripture says that when we want to pray, it is the best way to talk to the Father in heave in private place. To pray is a communication with the Father personally. When we have a close relationship with someone, we rather spend special time with them and have some private time with them to share what’s in our hearts. Just like when we pray to our Father in heaven. It is a special private time to talk with Him and share what’s in our hearts with Him.

And YES He knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him. But as His children and He is our Father, asking a request is a way of communication and building relationship. As parents, my husband and I know what our daughters need before they ask for it. But sometimes, we also need to know from them what they need. We want them to communicate with us what’s in their hearts and minds, what they need or want. And it is the beauty of relationship.

Today, as you come to the Father with thanksgiving, would you also spend 5 extra minutes to pray for the people of Daya?

They live in the Barisan Mountains in the southern part of South Sumatra province. They speak a dialect of the Lampung Api language. Although the Daya can understand Lampung Pesisir and Komering, they do not identify ethnically with the Komering. Instead they identify with the Lampung Pesisir and Ranau people who live to their South. The Daya are spread throughout the two subdistricts of Simpang and Muara Dua in South Ogan Komering Ulu regency in South Sumatra. (source: Joshua Project. Click on that link to read more about Daya people).

source: Joshua Project

source: Joshua Project

There are about 85,000 people of Daya live without hearing the Good News. They do not have 1 single word of God in their heart language, Lampung Api.

Please pray for them that God will make a way for them to have access to His Good News for them in language they understand the best in their hearts.

Please pray God will send his messengers to share the Good New with them, to share His love for them, to make His name known among this people of Daya.

Thank you for praying!