Scrapping Everyday Miracles: New Challenge

New month, new challenge at Scrapping Everyday Miracles, a challenge blog where we are challenged to share God’s miracles and blessings in our lives. It is one way of sharing how gracious and kind God has been to all His children.

This month theme challenge is Create / Creation. The inspiration is from Isaiah 45:18

“For this is what the LORD says — He who created the heavens, He is God; He who fashioned and made the earth, He founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other.”

You may apply this theme in any way you can imagine, create anything you want to, a layout, card, journal page, off the page project, anything. You have until July 17th to post your entry at SEM Blog (link on the right sidebar using the link tool, please link up directly to your blog post or your project).

Here’s my layout for this theme challenge:

The verse I used for the journaling. Our friends were on the way to their new home and passed Ohio. They stayed overnight and we had so much fun. The next day, they gave us these Tiger Lily flower. One had bloomed, one was not yet. My oldest was so excited to see the process of the flower blooming. This remind me of the verse clearly saying the The LORD is the creator, the only one who made the earth, formed it to be inhabited. He created the flowers!

I hope you will join us at SEM Theme Challenge!

A God’s Gift

Welcome to June! WOW… can you believe that Summer is getting closer? Well… here we actually already have our “Summer” weather. SO LOVE IT! My husband and I have planned for our Anniversary + Family Vacation later this month. We are just so thankful for God’s blessings in our life and enable us to have our first family vacation, real vacation just us and the girls! That is one of the activities we have in our Summer bucket list. What about you? What’s your Summer bucket list?

This new month, we also have fun new challenges at Scrapping Everyday Miracles:

Main Theme Challenge: you can create any projects with the main theme challenge “Each New Day Is A Gift.” Or you also can use the inspiration verse from James 1:7, “Every good and perfect gift is come from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

Layout Sketch Challenge:


Card Sketch Challenge:


I made this necklace using CTMH Base & Bling Wearable Crafts collections (only $15 for the whole necklace supplies). This is a reminder for me that every day is a gift from God because He will fulfill His purposes in my life because He is my God who endures forever. Knowing God’s promise in our lives is a gift, forever gift!

DIY Gift for A Friend - CTMH Base and Bling Wearable by Helen Gullett #diy #necklace #closetomyheart #ctmh

And here’s my take on the Card Sketch Challenge. I used Create Paper Pad and the stamp set is from CTMH Ivy Lane Cardmaking Workshop Kit (D1586) and I wrapped with the hemp cord I got from a store a while ago. I made this card for a friend… she is one of God’s gifts in my life.

SEM June Card Sketch Challenge - Life Is Better With Friends by Helen Gullett #closetomyheart #ctmh #cardmaking #handmadecard

You can link up your projects as many time as you want as long as they are following our challenge rules and themes. There are goodies to win!