Fight With Hope and Strength From The Lord

October is dedicated to raise awareness for cancer. And October 16th is the National Mammography Day. The whole month is for us to remember that this breast cancer is cureable when it is detected as early as possible. It won’t hurt us at all if we do the test early.

I had an aunt lost the battle with breast cancer in her young age amd left her husband with a 9-month old baby boy, 3 years old boy, 11 years old disabled boy and 15 years old daughter. It was the sadness day in my family. She did not find out it was a cancer until after she delivered the baby and it was way too late, she was at state 4. We did not have the medical treatment that can help her. Chemotheraphy caused so many pain for her and her family. My parents walked with them through all the process.

My cousin and I were at thrid year of Junior High. She was broken and lost. I was sad and confused.

It was all because we had no knowledge about breast cancer or any kind of cancer in our family that prepare us for the worst. That was the first cancer case we experienced.

Proverbs 31:25

I had mine done in April and they found some shadows but they could not make sure what was that so they strongly suggested me to have another mammography in 6 months. So, next month I will have another one. I am not even forty years old yet. Please, think about this and make a plan to have mammograp as soon as you can.

This verse is the truth and the hope we can cling on. We can face everything with God, the one who give us hope and the strength to go through all the treatments and process to survive and at the end to win the battle. He is standing with us. He is fighting with us.

Hope | Helen Gullett |

This month and even every time you pray, please to remember praying for your friends and families who are fighting Breast Cancer and thankful for those who have survived!

A reminder those who fight with God, she has hope in Him for cure.

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