Living overseas has special mark in my life. My life is changed. My perspective is changed.
This is not what I had in my mind when I was at school. My plan was to study hard, earned my bachelor and then went to overseas, well at least Singapore, to get better job. But then when I went back to finish my bachelor degree in 2004, God led me to different path. God changed my motivation. God changed my perspective of the idea of living overseas or cross-culturally.
We moved to Ohio since 2008 after we got married. For me, I am away from my home country, my parents and close families. But for my husband and daughters, here is their home country. For all of us, no matter where we will be living, wherever God will send us to go, we will make it home and serve Him as family.
Thinking of being away from home country, my thought goes to all missionaries who serve the Lord overseas. Those who live away from their home countries, away from their families. But they are there because of their obedience to the Lord’s calling. They are there because the people need to hear the Good News.
Our church, Grace Baptist Church Minford – Ohio, has a group of ladies who always get together every month to pray for the missionaries whom our church partner with. I am so thankful to this group of ladies! Knowing that they are thinking and praying for us and the missionaries is very encouraging.
They are not only getting together to pray, but in their act of love is real.
On last Friday, some of us get together to make Christmas cards for our missionaries. We would love to send them a note on Christmas day, sharing our hearts with them on the field. Especially for those who are away from their families on this special holiday.
That night, we made 17 Christmas cards! These ladies are amazing! We learned together to stamp and putting cards together. Most of all, we fellowshipped, shared stories, and had fun time
My oldest daughter came back from Great-grandma’s house, she joined us a little but before bed time. My friend helped her making this card. She is a blessing!
This is one of little thing we can do to show care with missionaries who serve overseas. If your church partner with missionaries overseas, you can try to do something special for them to show your care and love
Here are some cards we made that I would like to share with you today:
THANK YOU for your partnership with missionaries all over the world. THANK YOU for your love for the people who need to hear the love of God and His Good News. THANK YOU!
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