The Narcissism of Diet Programs
Keeping that Philippians verse in mind, here are three slogans from three of the top weight-loss companies, and see what a different vibe you get, compared to the convicting vibe I, and maybe you, got from Philippians:
“Become your own success story.” –Jenny Craig
“You lose the weight and not the lifestyle.” –LA Weight Loss Systems
“It’s your lifestyle, and your choice.” –Weight Watchers
Those slogans are focusing on your future success. They’re focusing on your ability to chose what works best for you. Compared to the Philippians verse, I get a warm, fuzzy feeling from those slogans, they really make you think, Wow, yeah, I can be successful and create my own success story, and I won’t have to really give up my lifestyle, I’ll just lose weight. And those kinds of invitations to become “successful” – which really just means “thin” – and in control of your eating, that is how the culture handles the issue of overeating. They tell us what our itching ears want to hear. We want to hear that we can be thin and successful and be in control of our eating and choose what works best for us.
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