HelloMornings Week 5

This week I learned a lot from Psalm 1 & Psalm 119 about God & His word. The truth is when we know who He is and His word is what we need to live every day.

His word will guide you. In His word you’ll find counsel when you need. His word will teach you the truth. And in His word you’ll find strength and comfort in your hard times.

God will give you His word to show you where to go every day when you stop and listen to His voice. 

Today I would like to share with you the truth I learned during the week 5 HelloMornings Challenge. My prayer for you that may His word light your path and guide your steps toward Him and to do His will.

Blessings to you all!             

HelloMornings Week 3

This Week 3 readings reveal to me more of who God is to us, who we really are and how deep His loves for each one of us.

These are verses I recieved from the Lord as reminders, commands and promises from the readings of this Week 3 HelloMornings Challenge FB group.

My prayer you all also will be blessed by God when we read them today.


May God bless you and your family richly in Christ Jesus! Have a wonderful weekend!

He Has Been, He Is and He Will Be


Another 2 hours delay school this morning so the girl slept in a little bit. I had a little longer quite morning after my husband left for work. Then she woke up but the little girl was still a sleep.

While she was eating her breakfast, I remembered that I needed to call the hospital to schedule my ultrasound, an order from my OB/GYN. So I called the number on the card, talked to the lady and she scheduled me to have the ultrasound on March 26th. I though, “Ah it will be next month. That’s fine.” I told my husband and then after I came back from taking my daughter to the bus, I saw a missed call from the hospital. I called her back and she asked if I could come in today at 1:30 PM. Since I cannot drive by myself yet, I asked my husband and he said sure we could do that.

My mother in law picked us up and went to the hospital. Checked in and waited. Finally after about 15 minutes, they called my name.

I went in with the nurse to the room to get ready. When she was getting ready on her computer, she told me to lay down on the table and just relax. In my mind I was thinking how I can feel relax in this room full of exam equipment. I started to say a prayer.

She took me to a room and asked me lots of questions about me and my family history related to cancer and breast cancer. After that, she did the ultrasound. When she was done, she told me to wait because she needed to call the radiologist to re-check the result and did more exam. The cardiologist came in and told me that the pictures were not too clear to determine the result and she wanted me to do the mammography.

After hearing what she told me about the reason why I needed the mammography, I got scared and worried. The nurse took me to another waiting room for that process.

Sitting there alone for while waiting for my turn. I talked to my Father in Heaven, asking Him to give me comfort and brave to walk through all of these process. I asked Him to calm my mind and know that He was there with me in that waiting room, in that exam room. I asked Him to use all these tests to give clear results what’s going on and answers.

There two ladies before me and then my turn. Walking into the room, I am so thankful the nurse was so nice and comforting. She helped me with the process and told me to wait for the radiologist.

And then she came back, asking me to go into the room again because she needed more pictures.

15 minutes passed.

She came back and gave me the results.

I praise God for the results. He indeed used all the process to make everything clear and showed there was nothing to worry about. I asked Him and He answered. I do not have anything that either my OB/GYN and the Radiologist thought I might have. I do not have any cysts that they were suspected I had because of the pain I have been having in the last month. God made it clear to us through the ultrasound and mammography. He has been there for me and my family. As the truth in Psalm 121 I read tonight,

From Him is my only help and hope.

From Him is my only strength, He won’t let me stumble, for the Lord watches me.

He stands beside me as my protective shade, for the Lord watches me.

He keeps me from all harms and watch over my life.

He keeps watch over me as I come and go, both now and forever.

This is my hope and prayer for you, too my friends. When you put your hope and trust in Him and Him only, He will watch over you and your loved ones. He cares for you so much, more that you ever imagine.

He has been there. He is there. And He will be there for you and me. Always.

I hope this song will bless and strengthen you today,

Shopping on Black Friday To Impact Lives In SEA*

Speaking of shopping on Black Friday…. don’t forget to stop by and pick this Advent Power Pack that you can gift as an early Christmas gift for you, your friends and families to prepare our hearts to celebrate the reason for this season – Jesus!

I have several link to our favorite stores with links to get the deals this weekend. They are affiliated links, when you make a purchase through these links, we will get a small percentage of the sales. There is no extra cost for you. All will be proceeded to our fund raising to go to the field.

Thanks for shopping!


One of my favorite things to do with my kids during this Advent month is that to teach them all about who is the most important person that we celebrate on Christmas day, Jesus. We have 24 days to teach them the truth from Scripture reading and lead them to Him. And this is an activity that you can do every Advent, every year! Truth In The Tinsel is an ebook. It is only $7.99 and you will get the ebook, printable, crafts, activities, and more that you can do with your kids.

Click here to visit ohAmanda.com to get this amazing book!


This Advent Power Pack is only for only $5, or $10 (if you want to donate), or $15 (if you want to donate and support HelloMornings ministry to women). Grab the pack here today!

HelloMornings Advent Power Pack 2014


Black Friday Sale- 30% off entire store! Use coupon 30FRIDAY14 for 30% off everything at DaySpring.com (only excludes Markdown Specials). This code does include clearance and is good through 12/1. We have some awesome clearance gifts so click around and share your favorite deals. Check out these few great clearance finds below:

  • Everyday Joy Mug {pair this with the Greater Joy tote below!} — Clearance Price: $4.99 — with 30% off code: $3.49
  • Greater Joy Tote Bag — Clearance Price: $12.49 — with 30% off code: $8.74
  • Faith Gold Necklace — Clearance Price: $8.49 — with 30% off code: $5.94
  • Redeemed Wood Letters- Set of 8 — Clearance Price: $19.99 — with 30% off code: $13.99
  • Redeemed- He Has Made Everything Beautiful- Pillow — Clearance Price: $9.99 — with 30% off code: $6.99

Cyber Monday Coupon- 30% off Entire Store PLUS free Ornament on 12/1!


Are you in need of craft supplies? Check out Close To My Heart! You can get high quality supplies for your craft and paper craft projects. While you are there, check out the Promotions of this month to save!

02 – Sarita L3


Screen Shot 2014-10-17 at 1.16.32 PM

Where you can get great deal every day, Pick Your Plum is the place!

This Black Friday, Pick Your Plum has so many special deals for you to pick, check them out (click on link or the picture to get the deal and to see more!):

Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 12.05.29 PM Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 12.06.18 PM Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 12.06.31 PM Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 12.06.45 PM Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 12.07.06 PM Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 12.07.26 PM



Do you have a blog? Or do you want to start blogging?

If yes, then the Blog Planning Kit is for you! Awesome kit, planner, and coaching. Check it out!


MyMemories Suite 5 is a digital scrapbooking software.

It is a fun and easy way to create scrapbooks, photobooks, custom gifts and more!

Get $10 OFF + $10 Gift Card to MyMemories Shop, use this code STMMMS3393 at checkout (COPY and PASTE the code).


This shop is a way to help us with our ministry works in SEA*, where we will be working side by side with the locals to equip them through trainings, to mobilize them and to bring the Good News to the people in language they can understand best.

If you need any special designs or customized orders, or any questions, please contact me.

Visit my Etsy Store

Let’s get connected with me at:




THANK YOU for shopping at our shop! Because of your partnership, there are more people will hear the Good News in language they understand best in their hearts!

HelloMornings Challenge: Advent Session

Advent is 6 days away from today! This is a 4-weeks season where we as Christians have been waiting for. The weeks when we devote our hearts, minds and attitude toward the day our Lord Jesus’ was born on. The weeks when we meditate God’s love, grace and joy He has given to us through His only begotten Son, Jesus.

My family is super excited with this season! We love to sit together after dinner, read the Advent Bible Reading with our daughters and I do Christmas crafts with them, too.

This is the season where we are not only sharing and spreading the joy through giving gifts to each other, but also, most important is that the season when we can rejoice in Him who loves us unconditionally by giving Jesus on Christmas day, knowing well in our hearts, minds and souls that He is with us. Immanuel.


HelloMornings provides a mini session on this Advent weeks. They have put together this awesome Advent Power Pack where you can:
– Study God’s word using Lara’s new book, “Then Came Jesus.”
– Journal His word using the printables provided.
– Worship Him with the new song from Shaun Groves.
– Daily reading will sent to your inbox (optional).

You can get this full Advent Power Pack today and come to join the challenge starting December 1st.

I cannot wait to do this Advent Devotion together with you!

How do you do Advent weeks with your family?